WHEREAS, the County Board of the County of DuPage must adopt a county budget and appropriation ordinance annually (55 ILCS 65/6-1001); and
WHEREAS, the annual appropriation ordinance contains appropriations for each accounting unit within each fund; and
WHEREAS, the annual budget shall contain a detailed statement showing estimates of expenditures for the current fiscal year, revised to the date of such estimate, and the proposed expenditures for the fiscal year for which the budget is prepared. (55 ILCS 5/6-1002(d)).; and
WHEREAS, the annual budget shall contain a schedule of proposed appropriations derived from each accounting unit's detailed budget (55 ILCS 5/6-1002(e); and
WHEREAS, for financial management and control it is desirable and meaningful to monitor accounting transactions at an account level in compliance with generally accepted accounting principles for government bodies; and
WHEREAS, the following policy regarding budget transfers is hereby established and applies to all Elected Officials and Departments under County Board jurisdiction:
1. All budget transfers must be in writing on the approved County Budget Transfer form, available on Inside DuPage under Finance/Forms & Instructions.
2. Budget transfers affecting personnel or capital accounts may not be made without first obtaining the parent committee's approval and then the County Board's approval by a two-thirds majority vote. The Finance Committee's agenda will list all budget transfers (required under this paragraph 2) for departments and elected officials whose parent committee is the Finance Committee.
3. Budget transfers between commodities and contractual services accounts will be processed by the Finance Department provided that the total amount appropriated is not affected.
4. Budget transfers to or from a segregated fund are prohibited.
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