Transfer of funds from account nos.1000-1640-50010 (overtime), 1000-1640-52280 (cleaning supplies), 1000-1640-52090 (other professional services), 1000-1640-53300 (repair and maintenance facilities), 1000-1640-53500 (mileage), 1000-1640-53800 (printing), 1000-1640-52200 (operating supplies), 1000-1640-53600 (dues and memberships), 1000-1640-53610 (instruction and schooling), and 1000-1640-53804 (postage), to account no. 1000-1640-50040 (part-time help) in the amount of $6,431, to cover the unanticipated deficits in the part-time help line for the Family Center. (Community Services)