and made part of the minutes packet.
DuPage Care Center 2024 Budget Presentation Data and PowerPoint Handouts
Mary Keating, Director of Community Services, praised her outreach team under Gina
Strafford-Ahmed, Rabia Baig and Julie Burdick. They have scheduled 24 outreach events for
August and September.
The request for an updated travel policy will be on the Finance agenda August 22, 2023. If
approved, the change will allow the committee chair to approve travel below $2500, negating the
need to submit to the committee or County Board for approval. Ms. Keating added that
Community Services will develop a process with Chair Schwarze. Under state law, any travel by
elected officials regardless of the dollar amount must be approved by the County Board.
Additionally, the current policy requires employees to use their personal credit card for
conference registration and not be reimbursed until after attending the conference, creating
financial burden on some employees. The new policy will allow for employees to submit a
reimbursement before the attendance of the conference with the committee chair approval.
However, if the employee cannot attend the conference for any reason, the employee will be
responsible to reimburse the County.
Chair Schwarze stated all County Board members should have received by email a list of the
Small Human Services Grant Program applicants on Monday, August 14 from Mary Catherine
Wells in Finance. Mary-Catherine presented a draft spreadsheet to committee and explained the
next steps and how to navigate the information to determine their selections for funding. The
spreadsheet consisted of the agencies that have applied, the requested amounts, and an individual
description of each project. All agencies were reviewed by Finance staff and the County Auditor
for eligibility but are awaiting final review from the State’s Attorney’s office, which is expected
to be completed by Friday, July 18, 2023.
Ms. Wells noted the deadline to return the selections is August 30, 2023, in order to have a final
vote at the Human Services Committee on September 5, 2023. Chair Schwarze added that
questions may be directed to committee but should be discussed within members of the district
when possible.
Chair Schwarze responded to a question regarding the ability to re-apply, stating the consensus is
that agencies had the opportunity to apply this year. For whatever reason they did not meet
eligibility requirements this year, they can reapply next year if the program continues. Member
DeSart noted the ARPA interest funds used this year will not be available for next year. Chair
Schwarze responded he has been in discussions with Liz Chaplin, Finance Chair, regarding
continuing this program. Jeffrey Martynowicz stated there is a lot of interest money for funding
Asked by Member Galassi if the district members could use unrequested funds for areas of need
within the district, specifically for the benefit of Willowbrook Corners, Ms. Keating said that
would require a different action by the board. In terms of the leftover funds with this grant, we
would have to un-allocate the $150,000 and make a new resolution. Also, this program is for