Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to PerkinElmer U.S. LLC,
for the purchase and installation of a new Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer
(FTIR), for the Sheriff's Office Crime Lab, for a contract total not to exceed $28,338.20;
per Lowest Responsible Quote/Bid 23-128-SHF. (Sheriff's Office)
Acceptance and appropriation of the U.S. Department of Justice - Bureau of Justice
Assistance PY23 DNA Capacity Enhancement for Backlog Reduction Program Grant
Award No. 15PBJA-23-GG-01275-DNAX, Company 5000, Accounting Unit 4510,
$395,280. (Sheriff's Office)
Acceptance and appropriation of the Sustained Traffic Enforcement Program PY24 Grant
- Agreement No. HS-24-0193, 0402, Company 5000, Accounting Unit 4525, $39,027.
(Sheriff's Office)
Transfer of funds from account nos. 1000-4410-53090 (Other Professional Services),
1000-4410-50099 (New Program Requests-Personnel) and 1000-4403-50099 (New
Program Requests-Personnel) to account nos. 1000-4410-50040 (Part-Time Help),
1000-4410-50050 (Temporary Salaries) and 1000-4403-50040 (Part-Time Help) in the
amount of $130,237 needed because part-time and temporary wages exceed the budget
for Jail Operations due to difficulty in hiring nursing personnel and increased medical
needs and for the Crime Lab due to increased cases for temporary employee. (Sheriff's
Transfer of funds from account nos. 1000-4405-50010 (Overtime), 1000-4410-50020
(Holiday Pay), 1000-4400-50099 (New Program Requests-Personnel), 1000-4415-50099
(New Program Requests-Personnel) and 1000-4415-50090 (Township Contracts-Sheriff)
to account nos. 1000-4410-50010 (Overtime), 1000-4415-50020 (Holiday Pay),
1000-4400-51060 (Cell Phone Stipend) and 1000-4415-50010 (Overtime) in the amount
of $340,056 needed for the following reasons: Jail Overtime continues to exceed budget
due to difficulty in recruiting. Law Enforcement Overtime is expected to be unusually
high for the remainder of the year due to some significant cases. There is also a potential
shortfall in Holiday Pay for Law Enforcement due to a transfer out earlier in the year and
a minor shortfall in the Sheriff's Admin Cell Phone Stipend to move budget to the correct
department. (Sheriff's Office)