Recommendation for the approval of a contract to A&P Grease Trappers, Inc., for
sanitary, grease trap and storm basin pumping, jetting, and cleaning, as needed for the
County campus, for Facilities Management, for the period of April 14, 2024 through
April 13, 2025, for a total contract amount not to exceed $82,750, per renewal option
under bid award #21-017-FM, third and final option to renew. ($60,000 for Facilities
Management, $5,200 for Animal Services, and $17,550 for the Division of
Resolution to approve a notice of intent to participate in the coalition by Kane County,
Illinois, for the Climate Pollution Reduction Grant implementation application and
Amendment to County Contract #6571-0001 SERV, issued to Fox Valley Fire & Safety
Company, Inc., to repair the fire alarm system and Notifier Panel at the Woodridge
Greene Valley Wastewater Treatment Plant, for Public Works, for a change order to
increase the contract in the amount of $20,000, resulting in an amended contract amount
not to exceed $93,250, an increase of 27.30%.
Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Sheffield Safety & Loss Control, LLC,
for Safety Program Manager Services, for the period of April 1, 2024 to March 31, 2025,
for a total contract amount not to exceed $100,000 (Public Works $25,000, Facilities
Management $25,000, Transportation $25,000, and Stormwater $25,000), per renewal
option under bid #21-064-PW, first and final option to renew.
Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Alfa Laval, Inc., to provide repair parts
for the Ashbrook gravity belt thickeners and belt presses at the Woodridge Greene Valley
Wastewater Treatment Plant and the Knollwood Wastewater Treatment Plant, for Public
Works, for the period of May 1, 2024 to April 28, 2028, for a total contract amount not to
exceed $80,000; per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022(c) not suitable for competitive bids. (Sole Source
– Alfa Laval, Inc. parts are the only parts that are interchangeable with our existing
Declaration of the Highland Hills Sanitary District Property as Surplus Real Estate