vouchers for Repeat Boutique, and referrals to the Sharing Connections, a furniture provider.
The Health Department has a trauma response program to assist displaced residents.
Member DeSart stated she discussed distributing a care package for detainees being released
from the county jail with Sheriff Mendrick. Her thought is to include a transportation voucher,
bottle of water and Community Services’ leads. Member Gustin stated she previously worked
with an outside agency, passing out postcards with several agency names and contact
information. The committee discussed the feasibility of a program. Chair Schwarze suggested
they follow up with Mary and Sheriff Mendrick. Vice Chair Garcia added she has been
discussing this issue with the State’s Attorney’ office. Ms. Keating stated the department does
have a small number of essential supplies but suggested this service be handled from the jail, as
the Community Services department has limited hours of operation.
Ms. Keating presented her 2024 budget request. She stated Community Services operates from
twenty different budgets. For the budget requests, she focused on the three non-grant funds. The
department manages about $30M in an average year and with covid, and additional $105M has
been added to the Community Services administration. Asked when the covid funds will fall off,
Ms. Keating replied that the majority will be done in 2026, one fund lasts through 2030, and
some funds have already been expended.
Ms. Keating stated she will send the budget presentation to the members The presentation is
attached hereto and made part of the minutes packet.
Member DeSart left the meeting during the budget presentation at 10:00 a.m. to attend another
committee meeting.
Chair Schwarze stated ARPA interest funds were used for the small human services fund for
$1,050,000. He asked the committee how they feel about the continuance of a small agency grant
fund and if they should encourage the rest of the board to continue this. The County Board
members in attendance discussed a future grant with county funds. Member Galassi was
particularly interested in funding for a tutoring program in District 3. Ms. Keating stated through
the DuPage Community Transformation Partnership with the DuPage Foundation, there is some
significant financial assistance going to Willowbrook Corners, largely for mental health. Ms.
Keating added the small grant program was established to be sure the county was not duplicating
funds the DuPage Foundation was issuing to agencies. The DuPage Foundation partnership
money will probably all be allocated in 2024 due to the ARPA guidelines. Member Galassi
would like the process amended if moved forward to have more balance between districts.
Ms. Keating explained the prior Human Services Grant fund, adding some small amounts were
given to agencies that did not make a substantial impact. She stated it entails additional staff to
manage the grant, which prompted response from the Finance staff at the meeting, as who would
manage and staff the administration of a future fund. Ms. Keating added having the County
Board members complete the programmatic review takes a burden off the staff.
Chair Schwarze promoted keeping this grant fund going, acknowledging this would rely on the
Finance department and questioning how it would affect their budget. He would like this
discussed at the Finance and/or County Board meeting. Mary Catherine Wells stated the process
extends beyond just Finance, including the auditor’s office and the State’s Attorney’s office.
Everyone agreed the vision may be clearer within the next few weeks as they progress through
the current small human services fund.
2024 Community Services Budget Request