The round one reports were due at the end of 2024. 23 out of 37 of awarded recipients
have not submitted their performance metrics reports. The reporting metrics will be
critical in determining eligibility for the round two funding. Ms. Wells distributed a
report showing the performance measures of reports received, which is attached hereto
and made part of the minutes packet.
Ms. Wells presented a recap of round one and an overview of round two via a
PowerPoint and noted what can be done better in round two. She stated as a goal towards
efficiencies in round two, they would like to streamline the volume of staff needed to
implement the program, make sure the application process includes performance metrics,
and develop a more standardized agreement across all the applications. Under round two
agencies will be required to submit their 501(c)3 current status certification when
applying, they must be physically located in DuPage County as noted on the AG990-IL
form, and must have completed round one reporting requirements. Additionally, the
agency’s annual revenue can be averaged over three years, no District Board Member can
serve on the nonprofit’s board, and the program will run one year, June 1, 2025 through
May 31, 2026.
The PowerPoint is attached hereto and made part of the minutes packet.
The committee discussed the outreach that would be involved to reach the nonprofit
agencies. Joan Olson, Communications Director, said they would send out a news
release. Small media, particularly suburban newspapers and the Daily Herald often bring
good results, and they will repeat messages on social media. Mary Keating added they
have email blasts that go to hundreds of the nonprofits. They will utilize their connection
with the DuPage Foundation, Mayors and Managers Conference (DMMC) and the
DuPage municipalities.
The committee discussed the under $30,000 funding threshold and the agencies that have
not submitted their metrics. MaryCatherine said one round of reminders for the agency
reporting has been sent but encouraged district members to contact their districts’
agencies regarding missing reporting.
26:36 Greg Schwarze asked about the premise of sharing the money within districts. Nick
Kottmeyer explained that the program belongs to the County Board members, and it is
ultimately their decision on how they want to run the program. After discussion, the
Human Services committee members present stated they did not want to share funds
within districts, rather delegate unspent funds back to the ARPA Interest Funds, as in
2024. Mr. Kottmeyer stated the program will be presented at Finance/County Board next
week so any requests for changes should be forwarded this week to staff to have vetted
with the Assistant State’s Attorney, if needed. Assistant State’s Attorney, Conor
McCarthy, recommended adding the verbiage to the recitals stating any unused funds
shall be swept into the ARPA Interest funds and shall not be redistributed amongst other
Mr. McCarthy added that the categories and language of the presentation are rather broad
and he is willing to explain any topics more extensively if needed.
County Board member Lucy Evans left the meeting at 10:00 AM to attend another
committee meeting. Chair Schwarze appointed CB member Michael Childress to serve
on the committee for quorum purposes.