Laura thanked Dr. Tvrdik and Dr. Susan Brown for stepping up to provide relief vet services
while DCAS was seeking a new veterinarian.
Dr. Tvrdik provided a brief history of her education and background.
Laura and Dr. Tvrdik have been regularly discussing protocols and updates surrounding Avian
Flu while keeping an eye on the cat population coming in from the outdoors. Information has
been shared with the veterinary community, posted on social media and included in the Animal
Services e-newsletter to educate various audiences on the signs, prevention and response to
Avian Flu.
Laura shared that coyote calls are expectedly on the rise as it is coyote mating season. Residents
are advised to not leave pets unattended and to adopt hazing techniques to deter coyotes.
Animal population is currently under 100 animals. Staff continue to maintain a lower animal
population - especially for dogs - while kennel areas are being renovated. Construction is still on
track to be substantially completed by the end of February. Laura praised the Facilities
Management team for their expertise with facilitating design and informing her of ways in which
to adjust operations to keep construction on track.
2024 intake/outcome data is being collected. Laura will have current Live Release Rate figures
to share at the February meeting.
Laura offered assistance to any committee member(s) interested in having her or Jillian
accompany them to meetings with prospective gala sponsors. Please send names and contact
information to Laura or Jillian.