Motion to Approve Re-Election of Chair Jeff Janus
The motion was approved on a voice vote, all "ayes".
Motion to Approve Re-Election of Vice Chair John Radzinski
The motion was approved on a voice vote, all "ayes".
Motion to Approve Re-Election of Secretary/Treasurer Don Schultz
The motion was approved on a voice vote, all "ayes".
6.B. LEPC Bylaws - Update
Chair Janus indicated that the LEPC Bylaws are out of date and need to be revised. He asked if
any of the Committee members would be willing to assist in doing this. Member Dieckman
offered to help out. Further, he indicated that he may be reaching out to some of the other
members to get their input on various components of the Bylaws.
7.A. Meeting Dates 2024: February 20, May 21, August 20, November 19
Motion to Approve 2024 Meeting Dates
Member Selvik moved, seconded by Member Schultz to approve the following 2024 Meeting
Dates: February 20, May 21, August 20 and November 19. The motion was approved on a voice
vote, all "ayes". Member Dieckman commented on a possible conflict regarding the August 20
meeting. Chair Janus indicated that he would address this issue as the meeting date draws closer.
Roy Selvik
Don Schultz
7.B. Goals for 2024
Chair Janus commented on the Committee's goals for 2024. These include continuing to work
on getting vital Tier II information into the hands of first responders, however, this project is
currently at a standstill. Another important goal is lithium ion battery safety which continues to
be a topic of discussion at various meetings. In addition, Chair Janus indicated that he would
like to plan a tabletop exercise on railroad safety. This will provide an opportunity for the
members to come together and share information relating to their area of expertise. In
conclusion, Chair Janus encouraged all members to contact him if they have other goals to bring
At this time, Chair Janus provided an opportunity for members to give updates related to their
specific area of expertise. Member Dieckman indicated that the DuPage County Office of
Homeland Security and Emergency Management needs to update its THIRA as well as its
Emergency Preparedness Plan. He believes that it is important to include the whole community
when revising these plans. He may be asking members to attend a one-day workshop at the
DuPage OHSEM where the participants will review and discuss these plans and offer input on
their area of expertise. Member Dieckman then thanked all members, but specifically the
officers, for their contributions to this important Committee.