Liz Chaplin
GPN 044-23: DCFS Children's Advocacy Center Grant PY24 - Children's Advocacy
Centers of Illinois and DCFS - U.S. Department of Health and Human Services -
$312,185. (State's Attorney's Office/Children's Advocacy Center)
The motion was approved on a voice vote, all "ayes".
Dawn DeSart
Patty Gustin
Motion to Combine and Approve items 11.A. - 11.C.
Authorization is requested for the Director of the Office of Homeland Security and
Emergency Management (OHSEM) to travel to Springfield, Illinois from September 4-8,
2023 to attend the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of Homeland
Security (IEMA-OHS) 2023 Training Summit. It is beneficial that the Director attend
this Training Summit which will include various training sessions and meetings. The
cost to DuPage County is $670.10 for lodging, meals and miscellaneous expenses.
(Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)
Authorization is requested for an Emergency Management Coordinator to travel to
Springfield, Illinois from September 5-8, 2023 to attend the Illinois Emergency
Management Agency and Office of Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) 2023 Training
Summit. The State of Illinois has requested that he bring the rapid communications
vehicle RapidComm4 to Springfield to be demonstrated at the Training Summit. He will
also give a presentation on Auxiliary Communications and assist with STARCOM
Interoperable Communications presentations. IEMA is providing lodging for presenters.
The cost to DuPage County will be $282.50 for meals and miscellaneous expenses.
(Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Management)
Authorization is requested for an OHSEM volunteer to travel to Springfield, Illinois from
September 5-8, 2023 to attend the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and Office of
Homeland Security (IEMA-OHS) 2023 Training Summit. The State of Illinois has
requested that the rapid communications vehicle RapidComm4 be brought to Springfield
to be demonstrated at the Training Summit. This volunteer will be assisting the
Emergency Management Coordinator in staffing the RapidComm4 vehicle while on
display and discussing its capabilities with attendees. The cost to DuPage County is
$670.10 for lodging, meals and miscellaneous expenses. (Office of Homeland Security
and Emergency Management)