Christine Kliebhan, Financial Analyst, presented the DuPage Care Center update, announcing the
Care Center does not have any covid cases at this time.
The status of the construction as of last week includes tiling resident bathrooms, painting, and
putting up Acrovyn Wall Protectors in the corridors. Chair Schwarze asked if the resident rooms
have been completed and if there has been any displacement of residents. Ms. Kliebhan
responded the bathrooms are tiled and painting has begun. Since residents were re-located
several months before construction had started, no residents were displaced. The nurses’ station
is beginning to take shape. The area looks inviting, and it will be more operational for staff.
The Care Center completed their annual survey by the Illinois Department of Public Health
(IDPH), noting only five small tags, which is exceptional. This being a great accomplishment,
they will schedule a party for their incredible staff.
Ms. Keating gave a rundown of numbers for food assistance:
· $5M in ARPA set aside for food assistance
· Contracted with NIFB for $1.75M to supply food to the smaller pantries
· Two rounds of direct grants for food pantries for $1.5M
· Currently taking applications for grant proposals for $1M for equipment
· Chair Conroy has put $1.5M in the 2024 budget for food assistance.
· Balance of funds is just over $700,000
· Current contract with NIFB expires 11.30.23
We will bring recommendations to Finance for use of the $700,000 for two things.
1. Extend the NIFB contract for another four months.
2. give prorated small grants to the three townships that opted out of the initial
produce program.
If the request is granted, it will give us time to determine how to best allocate the funds for 2024,
hopefully with no interruption in the contract time.
Ms. Keating added the accomplishments, stating the funding allowed for delivery of over
2,000,000 pounds of produce and over 25,000 cases of diapers, wipes, and toilet paper.
Chair Schwarze stated he has met multiple times with Mary Keating, Vice-Chair Paula Deacon
Garcia, and the DuPage County food pantries. He estimates 95% of the food pantries are happy
with the produce received from NIFB and intent on staying with NIFB’s produce program. Mr.
Schwarze will request at next week’s Finance meeting to have the $1.5 M increased as food
insecurities will be a resident need for some time.