Janelle Chadwick, Administrator of the DuPage Care Center, stated there were over 600 balloons
issued to residents and the Foundation made about $6000 from the Valentine’s Day Balloon
event. Ms. Chadwick expressed her appreciation to everyone that came and participated, and to
all that toured the renovation.
She added if anyone is interested in touring the new construction to reach out and she will try to
coordinate a tour.
Ms. Chadwick announced the construction projects two and three, which includes 3 Center and
the outdoor lobby area, were approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH). Some
of the furniture for 4 North will arrive today.
Chair Schwarze asked about an ETA for residents moving back into the fourth floor. Ms.
Chadwick replied that the Care Center will submit a request for temporary occupancy when they
are about 90% done, which is hopefully within the next week. IDPH will have 60 days to
respond, which most likely will include an onsite visit.
Gina Strafford, Administrator in Community Services, stated 211 Illinois received funding in
2023 from the State of Illinois. The County recently received two contracts for the money. A
contract for about $98,000 was approved in December, and the contract on today’s agenda is for
$102,000. The funds are intended for publicity or staffing, although the state discourages the
funds being spent on staffing. The contract expires at the end of June, so there is a limited time
to spend the money.
Ms. Strafford-Ahmed stated that she is looking at means of publicity (television, social media,
cable,etc.) with Joan Olson, DuPage County’s Chief Communications Officer, as the calls are not
increasing as they hoped.
The committee discussed ways of reaching out to the residents of DuPage County.
Ms. Strafford-Ahmed stated that getting the word out is their priority regarding the use of funds.
The committee should see a procurement at the next meeting regarding the money. Ms.
Strafford-Ahmed is confident that the county will continue to receive funds for 211 and asked the
committee members to contact her if they are aware of advertising opportunities.
Member Galassi raised concerns regarding the distribution of funds for the different food
pantries. She said HCS in Hinsdale, who serves Hinsdale and Willowbrook, was not aware they
could order a refrigerated truck. As a representative of District 3, Member Galassi asked how can
we get that added? Chair Schwarze replied that he will be meeting with Vice Chair Garcia and
staff after the meeting and will give this matter consideration to move forward in an equitable
Member Galassi stated that Nick Kottmeyer said he was going to look into facilitating group
buying for all the refrigerated trucks. Member Galassi said HCS has been quoted $79,000 for a
truck. Chair Schwarze said he would keep the board apprised of any actions regarding this issue.