10.A. Surplus Presentation
Jeff Martynowicz, Chief Financial Officer, provided a FY2024 budget update to the Committee.
A summary of all sales taxes was provided first. Sales taxes are estimated to be $4,959,157 over
the FY2024 budgeted amount. State income tax was reviewed next. State income tax is estimated
to be $2,291,888 over the FY2024 budgeted amount. Cannabis taxes were reviewed next.
Cannabis taxes are estimated to be $101,207.75 under the FY2024 budgeted amount. Per the
County's consolidated income statement, there is an estimated surplus of $12,326,743 in the
General Fund for FY2024.
Chair Conroy previously recommended a surplus allocation of $7,000,000 on September 20,
2024. This included funding such as: $3M towards Facilities Management Capital, $1M towards
the Campus Flood Proofing Project, $1M towards the Stormwater Elmhurst Quarry Project, $1M
towards the Vehicle Replacement Fund, and $1M towards the General Fund Reserve
Contribution. By a show of hands, Committee members gave their consensus to move forward
with the Chair's recommended surplus allocation with no date restrictions.
Committee members also gave their consensus to move forward with the following surplus
allocations with no date restrictions: $250K for the Sheriff's Office/ETSB radio tower
improvements, $72K for the Jerome McBride, Jr. Bridge repairs, $62K for Family Center
furniture replacement, $33K for 501 parking lot security gates repairs, and $500K to the General
Committee members gave consensus to put money aside, but not spend until June 1, 2025, for
the following items: $1.5M towards the Stormwater Elmhurst Quarry Project, $1.5M towards
Facilities Management Infrastructure Projects, $250K towards the DuPage County Historical
Museum Capital Projects, and $709,743 towards the Department of Transportation Maintenance
Garage. The Committee members gave consensus to put a hold on spending for the York
Township Water Main Project ($450K).
10.B. Small Agency Grant Program Presentation
Mary Catherine Wells, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, provided the Committee with a brief
overview of "Round 1" of the Small Agency Grant Program. Changes to "Round 2" of the
program were also discussed based off of feedback from "Round 1". The application portal will
be open January 29, 2025 through April 4, 2025. A webinar is scheduled for Thursday, February
6, 2025 for interested agencies to learn more about the program, eligibility, and criteria.
No old business was discussed.
Due to time constraints, the discussion pertaining to federal funding for grants and programs was
moved to New Business on the County Board agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:54 AM.