Roy Selvik, Addison PD
Pat Tanner, West Chicago Fire
Eric Burmeister, ACDC (Remote)
Todd Carlson, Hanover Park PD (Remote)
Pat Johl, Wood Dale Fire (Remote)
Andrew Johnson, Hanover Park PD (Remote)
Maggie Kuhlmann, Mark43 (Remote)
Ed Leinweber, Clarendon Hills PD (Remote)
Jim McGreal, Downers Grove PD (Remote)
Bret Mowery, York Center Fire (Remote)
Alison Murphy, DMMC (Remote)
Lisa Smith, State’s Attorney’s Office (Remote)
Will Sperling, Citizen (Remote)
On roll call, Members Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Schar, Srejma,
Tillman, Toerpe, and Yoo were present. Member Swanson was absent.
Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Schar,
Srejma, Tillman, Toerpe, and Yoo
There was no public comment.
Chair Schwarze recognized the ACDC Tactical Taskforce Telecommunicator Team: Operations
Managers Michele Beebe, David Dobey, and John Waterman, Telecommunicators Grecia Flores,
Lindsay Bukovic, Marissa Stevanovic, Taylor Hawkins, Sean Milnes, Kristina Iazzetto, Kit
Willadsen, Chris Norton, Williams Kolberg, Sara Khalil, Reana Minor, Hayden Mootrey, and
Renee Calzaretta for their Performance of Duty for their work in the tracking of a dangerous,
heavily armed and organized crime ring that was responsible for numerous auto thefts,
burglaries, and other crimes.
He then presented Proclamation ETS-911-034 acknowledging the contributions of Chief Michael
Rivas of the Villa Park Police Department for one year and three months of hard work on the
Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) as the DU-COMM Police Rep during the Radio Replacement
Project including his service as Chair of the Police Focus Group. Chief Rivas thanked the
members of the various committees he interacted with.
Chairman Schwarze presented Resolution ETS-911-0424 acknowledging the contributions of
Chief Andy Dina of the Warrenville Fire Protection District for three years and three months of
hard work on the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) as the DU-COMM Fire Rep during the
Radio Replacement Project including his service as Vice Chair and Chair of the PAC and Chair
of the Fire Focus Group. Chief Dina thanked the Board for their support and said the thing he
would miss the most are the people he met and worked with over the last three years.
Members Maranowicz, Franz, and Kramer thanked Chiefs Dina and Rivas for their authenticity
and genuineness to the Board, for their leadership and recommendations, and for their time and
effort, which does not go unnoticed. Chair Schwarze also expressed his gratitude for working