WHEATON, IL 60187  
ETSB - Emergency Telephone System  
Final Summary  
Wednesday, October 11, 2023  
9:00 AM  
Room 3500B  
9:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Schwarze at 9:20 AM.  
Linda Zerwin  
Matt Theusch  
Gregg Taormina  
Eve Kraus  
Kris Cieplinski (Remote)  
Brian Kopas (Remote)  
Prithvi Bhatt (Remote)  
Adam Johnson, Chief Deputy Clerk  
Mark Winistorfer  
Matt Baarman, DU-COMM  
Chris Clark, Glen Ellyn Fire  
Andy Dina, Warrenville Fire  
Alan Emody, Bloomingdale Fire  
Don Ehrenhaft, County IT  
Pat Johl, Wood Dale Fire  
John Kelly, DU-COMM  
Nicole Lamela, DU-COMM  
Keith Marc, ACDC  
Anthony McPhearson, County CIO  
Mike Sampey, Village of Addison  
Roy Selvik, Addison PD  
Pat Tanner, West Chicago Fire  
Jasmine Wilson, DU-COMM  
Kimberly Blair, DMMC (Remote)  
Jason Blumenthal, County Board Office (Remote)  
Mark Bozik, Roselle Fire (Remote)  
Rich Cassady, Glenside Fire (Remote)  
Kevin Dempsey, Addison PD (Remote)  
Dick Dufort, Elmhurst Fire (Remote)  
Melanie Koga, County Finance (Remote)  
Nick Kottmeyer, County Board Office (Remote)  
Brian Leahy, Clarendon Hills Fire (Remote)  
Brad Malloy, Glendale Heights PD (Remote)  
Bret Mowery, York Center Fire (Remote)  
Bob Murr, College of DuPage (Remote)  
Richard Sanborn, Jr., York Center Fire (Remote)  
Gregory Sebesta, Oakbrook Terrace Fire (Remote)  
Kurt Vavra, Glen Ellyn PD (Remote)  
iPhone (Remote)  
Observer (Remote)  
Villa Park (Remote)  
On roll call, Members Schwarze, Franz (Remote 9:21am), Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer,  
Maranowicz, Rauter, Schar, Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo were present.  
Schwarze, Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter, Schar,  
Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
There was no public comment.  
Chairman Schwarze recognized Wall of Life recipient TC Jasmine Wilson of DU-COMM for  
providing EMD assistance with immediate care after delivery for a newborn baby.  
Vice Chair Franz joined the meeting at 9:21am.  
Chairman Schwarze said there was a request that was made to allow remote participation for  
Vice Chair Franz. Under Section 7a of the Open Meetings Act, If a quorum of the members of  
the public body is physically present as required by Section 2.01, a majority of the public body  
may allow a member of that body to attend the meeting by other means if the member is  
prevented from physically attending because of: (I) personal illness or disability; (ii) employment  
purposes or the business of the public body; or (iii) a family or other emergency. A motion was  
made by Member Rauter, seconded by Member Maranowicz to allow Vice Chair Franz to  
remotely participate via Zoom. On voice vote, motion carried.  
Chairman Schwarze presented Resolution ETS-R-911-0423 acknowledging the contributions of  
Chairman Tim "Bill" Hayden of the Addison Police Department and Chairman of the Policy  
Advisory Committee. A motion was made by Member Maranowicz, seconded by Member Yoo  
to receive and place on file.  
There were no Members' remarks.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to combine Consent Agenda Items A//Monthly Report  
for October 11; B/Revenue Report; C/Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee for  
September 11; D/Minutes Approval ETS Board for September 13. Member Guttman motioned,  
seconded by Member Maranowicz. On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items A//Monthly Report for  
October 11; B/Revenue Report; C/Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee for September  
11; D/Minutes Approval ETS Board for September 13. Member Yoo motioned, seconded by  
Member Srejma. On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
6.A. Monthly Staff Report  
Monthly Report for October 11 Regular Meeting  
6.B. Revenue Report 911 Surcharge Funds  
ETSB Revenue Report for October 11 Regular Meeting for Fund 5820/Equalization  
6.C. Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee  
ETSB PAC Minutes - Regular Meeting - Monday, September 11, 2023  
6.D. Minutes Approval ETS Board  
ETSB Minutes - Regular Meeting - Tuesday, September 13, 2023  
Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter,  
Schar, Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
7.A. Budget Transfers  
Budget Transfer for the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for  
Fiscal Year 2023 from 4000-5820-54199 (Capital Contingencies) to 4000-5820-54110  
(Capital Equipment & Machinery) and 4000-5820-54107: Capital Software for the  
payment and accounting of contractual obligations of the Motorola PO 922031/6149-1  
MCC7500 console upgrade and Eventide logger project annual financing agreement.  
(Total budget transfer: $1,167,645)  
Yeena Yoo  
Michael Tillman  
Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter,  
Schar, Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
Budget Transfer for the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for  
Fiscal Year 2023 from 4000-5820-53807 (Software Maintenance Agreements) to  
4000-5820-53806 (Software Licenses) for payment and accounting of contractual  
obligations related to the County Finance line account reorganization. (Total budget  
transfer: $75,000)  
Michael Tillman  
Joseph Maranowicz  
Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter,  
Schar, Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
Budget Transfer for the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for  
Fiscal Year 2023 from 4000-5820-53830 (Other Contractual Expenses) to  
4000-5820-53806 (Software Licenses) for payment and accounting of contractual  
obligations related to the Motorola PO 6149-1 CO1 NICE logger maintenance extension.  
(Total budget transfer: $78,215)  
Michael Tillman  
Michael Guttman  
Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter,  
Schar, Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
7.B. Payment of Claims  
Payment of Claims for October 11, 2023 for FY23 - Total for 4000-5820 (Equalization):  
$450,824.69. Total for inter-department transfer for 4000-5820 (Equalization):  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Yeena Yoo  
Michael Tillman  
7.C. Change Orders  
Resolution approving Change Order #2 to AT&T, Inc. to incorporate a contract  
addendum into the Session Initiated Protocol (SIP) PO 921021/5164-1 for two new  
circuits into the Vesta for the Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) project in the PSAPs.  
(Amount of change order: $48,000; New contract amount: $363,000)  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
David Schar  
Michael Guttman  
7.D. Purchase Resolutions  
Awarding resolution to GenServe LLC to provide semi-annual generator inspections and  
maintenance for Facilities Management, Animal Services, Department of Transportation,  
and ETSB for two (2) years per Bid #23-099-FM. (Total amount: $149,115, ETSB  
amount: $15,000) Pending Parent Committee Approval  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Yeena Yoo  
Michael Guttman  
Awarding Resolution to Dell Marketing LP PO 923033 to replace 72 Computer Aided  
Dispatch computers in the Addison Consolidated Dispatch Center and DU-COMM  
PSAPs as part of the equipment replacement cycle. (Total amount: $120,312)  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
William Srejma  
Erik Kramer  
7.E. Resolutions  
Resolution to Amend Policy 911-006: Policy Advisory Committee (PAC).  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Yeena Yoo  
William Srejma  
Appointment to the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County Policy  
Advisory Committee - Chief Andrew Dina (DU-COMM Fire Representative and Chair).  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Chairman Schwarze thanked Chief Dina for his service.  
William Srejma  
Joseph Maranowicz  
Appointment to the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County Policy  
Advisory Committee - Deputy Chief Roy Selvik (ACDC Police Representative).  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Chairman Schwarze thanked Deputy Chief Selvik for his service.  
Joseph Maranowicz  
Erik Kramer  
Resolution approving the County Board execution of an Intergovernmental agreement on  
behalf of the Emergency Telephone System Board to grant 911 surcharge funds to the  
two DuPage County Public Safety Answering Points to be used consistent with state and  
federal law.  
Member Maranowicz extended his appreciation to all the parties involved in the process  
including the PSAP Directors, Member Guttman, Director Zerwin and ASA Winistorfer.  
He said it shows when everyone comes together for a common goal and work cohesively.  
Member Kramer inquired into where from the budget the funds are coming from and  
what happens if the funding goes away. Ms. Zerwin said she was very conservative  
because of that question. Ms. Zerwin indicated that the ten-year budget projection  
includes a benchmark amount of $1M annually. She attributed the ETSB's ability to grant  
the funds to the raise in surcharge to $1.50 and that the Board will not be funding the  
replacement of radios after the current project is completed. Ms. Zerwin said there is  
language in the IGA that the Treasurer reviews the funds and makes a recommendation to  
the ETS Board. The ETS Board will determine whether they continue the annual grant  
and at what dollar level. Ms. Zerwin asked Member Kramer if that answered his question.  
Member Kramer replied yes and asked if the funding goes away, how does it affect the  
budget or trickle down to the agencies or the equipment they utilize such as Fire Station  
Alerting (FSA). Ms. Zerwin reviewed account line 54199: Capital Contingencies as a  
reserve fund to replace capital assets in the system, that the systems are earmarked with a  
replacement value and if equipment is refreshed instead of replaced then the amount of  
money the ETS Board must set aside annually is less because 54199: Capital  
Contingencies recognized the savings.  
Member Rauter asked if this is to be annually approved by the Board, not permanent. Ms.  
Zerwin replied that the language of the IGA allows for annual approval, that if the PSAPs  
meet their obligations, and at the recommendation of the County Treasurer who manages  
the ETSB's overall finances, it would then be up to the Board to decide the level of the  
funding. Member Rauter asked if this was a money transfer that goes out immediately  
upon approval or for practical purposes, what is the process. Ms. Zerwin said it would be  
a full disbursement once approved through the bills list on the Payment of Claims. She  
said there is criteria in the IGA for allowable or acceptable costs. The PSAPs are to  
provide an accounting of those costs within 60 days of a purchase or an accounting if they  
are saving for an allowable purchase, which the Board would then have before making a  
decision for the next fiscal year. Member Rauter asked if the PSAP could retain the funds  
between years if they report what they plan to use the funds for. Ms. Zerwin said they  
would not lose the funds, that everything is too expensive in the system to take funds  
back if the PSAPs are trying to save for something specific. Member Rauter provided  
examples to understand the process which were confirmed by Ms. Zerwin per the IGA  
language and what is considered acceptable now.  
Member Schar inquired into the process, that it would be approved by the ETS Board, go  
through the PSAPs respective boards for approval, then back to the County Board for  
final approval. He asked that if that process is not completed by the end of November,  
should direction be given to staff to carry over the $2M into the FY24 budget. Chairman  
Schwarze said that would be discussed under the budget agenda item which was next up  
on the agenda.  
On voice vote, all Members voted “Aye”, motion carried.  
Michael Guttman  
David Schar  
Annual Appropriation Resolution for the Emergency Telephone System Board of  
DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period beginning December 1, 2023 and ending  
November 30, 2024.  
Member Guttman moved to approve Agenda Item ETS-R-0047-23, seconded by Member  
Maranowicz. Chairman Schwarze said there would be discussion on this item and turned  
it over to Ms. Zerwin.  
Ms. Zerwin asked that the four budget comparisons be brought on screen. She reviewed a  
memo that had been distributed to the Members and included adjustments to Employee  
Medical and Hospital Insurance (decrease), Salary and Wage Adjustment (decrease),  
Software Licenses (increase), Other Contractual Expenses (increase), Capital Software  
(increase). There were two additional items that Ms. Zerwin asked the Board for direction  
on, the PSAP grant allocation and an additional headcount. Ms. Zerwin said there was a  
review underway of whether the focus groups under the Policy Advisory Committee  
(PAC) fall under the Open Meetings Act (OMA). If the determination of the Attorney  
General is in the affirmative, ETSB would need an additional staff member to take on the  
responsibilities of the meetings, including posting of the packets, attendance at, and the  
minutes afterwards. One headcount had been added to the FY24 budget for a mid-range  
Administrative Assistant, which if determined was not needed could be removed from the  
FY25 budget. Ms. Zerwin said that artificial intelligence (AI) options could be  
investigated but that this had come up on short notice. Ms. Zerwin explained the options  
between the four budget options that were shown onscreen.  
Member Rauter asked if a change order for group services for alias ID display was being  
looked into. Ms. Zerwin explained that the consoles already have that feature and that the  
backup systems were under consideration. Member Rauter asked if the current system has  
this built into the radio or over the network. Ms. Zerwin replied, both.  
Member Rauter asked if there was an anticipated change order for a Key Management  
Facility (KMF) for encryption services. Ms. Zerwin replied it was part of the contract.  
Member Rauter said, so we are using Motorola's KMF. Ms. Zerwin and Mr. Theusch  
asked for clarification on the question. Member Rauter went through the options of  
rolling out encryption with a key loader or Over the Air (OTAR) with a KMF. He wanted  
to know the method of the rollout and whether those costs were included in the budget.  
Mr. Theusch replied that OTAR was part of the contract.  
Member Rauter asked about wi-fi programming and how that would be implemented,  
whether associated costs were in the budget. Ms. Zerwin reviewed the initial plan to  
utilize computers and pucks, as re-use of existing equipment. Member Rauter asked how  
many stations are in the system. Ms. Zerwin replied, 67. Member Rauter asked if there  
was a plan to use fire station wi-fi. Ms. Zerwin said it was a viable option that had not yet  
been fully vetted because some of the networks run through the PSAPs. Member Rauter  
said it would be a contingency if there were additional costs to implement wi-fi.  
Ms. Zerwin asked why there would be additional costs. Member Rauter said in case  
additional equipment was needed or modifications to existing wi-fi systems in the fire  
stations. He said there would still be running around with a limited number of pucks or  
laptops to do stuff that is supposed to be done over the air. Ms. Zerwin said the  
equipment replacement, such as the Dell order approved earlier in the agenda, those units  
are recycled into the system for use.  
Member Rauter asked who here owns that project, whether it be a staff member or  
vendor, he used to say "one throat to choke" assigned to the wi-fi project to ensure all the  
questions are answered and it is done to the satisfaction of the fire guys. Ms. Zerwin said  
the project would go through the focus groups but that the Motorola System Manager  
Andy Saucedo is working withJohn Sullivan of Addison Fire to test various solutions.  
Mr. Rauter said those would be the two people. Ms. Zerwin replied they are testing the  
Member Rauter asked if there was any contingency in case Fire decides they want to go  
with the APXNext XE model as opposed to the NFPA approved APXNext XN. He asked  
if there is a cost to the change order for a global swap. Ms. Zerwin said until she knows  
what the direction is, she cannot provide an answer.  
Chairman Schwarze asked if there were any further questions on the budget. Seeing none,  
he said a decision would need to be made regarding the four budget options presented.  
His preference was to add the $2M and the additional headcount to be on the safe side for  
the IGA and the focus groups.  
A motion was clarified with ASA Winistorfer. Member Maranowicz moved to amend the  
tabled budget, seconded by Member Schar. Chairman Schwarze asked if there were any  
questions. When he heard none, he asked, all in favor, all Members voted "Aye", motion  
There was a short discussion on whether the budget was being approved today, to then be  
amended next month if the $2M was not necessary, or if the budget would be tabled to  
the next meeting and addressed on November 8. A motion to table was discussed as well  
as clarification questions regarding the $2M. Vice Chair Franz said he thought they  
should be optimistic, assume the boards would approve the IGA, and move forward.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a roll call vote. The motion to table was withdrawn by  
Member Yoo in consideration of Vice Chair Franz's motion. The underlying motion was  
seconded by Member Tillman. On roll call, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Mark Franz  
Michael Tillman  
NFPA Letter  
Member Rauter said he believed the NFPA had met the previous day and asked PAC  
Chair Dina if he had heard anything. PAC Chair Dina said they were waiting to release  
the letter. Member Rauter asked, but NFPA met and they are willing to accept our  
concept, correct? Chair Dina confirmed that the subcommittee is aware there are issues  
with the NFPA standards as it related to the radios and they look forward to receipt of  
ETSB's letter, and that there is an upcoming meeting on October 24.  
Chairman Schwarze asked all in favor, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Stephen Rauter  
Erik Kramer  
8.A. Police  
A Police discussion was held after the Fire update.  
8.B. Fire  
PAC Chair Dina thanked the ETS Board for their support in his new role. He also thanked the  
previous Chair, Bill Hayden, for his professionalism and knowledge and said he would miss him.  
PAC Chair Dina thanked the ETSB for approval of the letter to the NFPA on behalf of the Fire  
Focus Group. He said with approval of the letter, the subcommittee, which meets on October 24,  
can review it and hopefully make changes for the NFPA Committee meeting in November. PAC  
Chair Dina said Motorola has agreed to make the changes to the radios that the Fire Focus Group  
is using to demo. He said there is a contingency plan, that through the ETSB a request has been  
made to obtain APXNext XE radios from Motorola to demo. PAC Chair Dina said some of the  
mobiles have been deployed and that the remaining will be distributed with the wi-fi  
programming and the encryption keys. He said the radios may need to be touched once but the  
plan is to utilize wi-fi. The plan is for the mobiles to go out while waiting for the NFPA changes  
to the portables.  
Member Tillman asked if Motorola had provided documentation on a letterhead stating the  
radios are approved by NFPA as meeting the standard. PAC Chair Dina said they had not  
received a letter but that the radio label states certified model NFPA 1802 on them.  
Chairman Schwarze asked if there were any other questions for PAC Chair Dina. Seeing none,  
he thanked the committee members for their work on these efforts.  
Member Rauter asked if PAC Chair Dina was going to address the Police radios, as well. PAC  
Chair Dina said he could, yes. Member Rauter said he wanted to bring to the Board's attention  
that he suggested that before the mobiles are deployed to the fire stations, that the master key be  
put in the mobile so it saves a tech from having to touch them again. He continued saying,  
unfortunately, when the Police radios were deployed, the master encryption key called Unique  
Key Encryption Key (UKEK) was not put in the police radios. Member Rauter said,  
unfortunately, each radio needs to come back or be touched and would have saved a lot of time  
and effort had it been done on the front end. Member Rauter said he has talked to Andy  
(Saucedo) on the phone and attended his meetings that he is trying to get this going the best he  
can based on his experience. He said that was a misstep on the Police side and he is hoping they  
pay attention to those things so there is no duplicated efforts or wasted time. Ms. Zerwin replied  
she does not consider it a misstep because the original issue with the Police radios was that there  
were no batteries. The critical piece to the deployment was getting radios with usable batteries  
into the hands of the officers and they were given an option of whether they wanted to take the  
radios. All Police agencies opted to take their radios with the templates they had at that time  
knowing that encryption was coming because we (DuPage) had to wait for the consoles to be  
upgraded in the dispatch centers before encryption could be deployed. She said she did not  
believe it was a misstep because it was discussed and the agencies were given an option.  
Member Rauter said, with all due respect, when the radios were programmed, they could have  
been touched with the UKEK as they were going out the door. In his humble opinion, it was a  
Member Swanson replied, with all due respect, the end users, himself included, would rather  
have something that works than opposed to the dying radios that they had. Member Rauter said  
to Member Swanson that he was missing his point, that as the radios were going out the door,  
after being programmed by the Motorola System Manager, the UKEK could have been put in.  
Member Rauter said he is not trying to impede anything, you need the radio, but by that misstep,  
Motorola is going to be spending a lot of money sending the System Manager to catch up on  
putting the UKEK in the radios. Ms. Zerwin said the Motorola System Manager is provided in  
the contract so they are not spending any money, and that the encryption was not yet decided  
because if they were loaded in the direction at the time, there would have been a 17  
key...Member Rauter interrupted saying she was missing his point. Ms. Zerwin said to Member  
Rauter that he was calling it a misstep when it was a conscious decision. Chairman Schwarze  
stopped the conversation and said it could be continued in a PAC meeting, but that the Board  
was going to move on with the agenda.  
Ms. Zerwin had nothing beyond what was reported in the monthly report.  
Member Guttman requested the third million be added to the November agenda as an action item.  
There was no new business.  
12.A. Minutes Review Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (21)  
12.B. Personnel Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C ) (1)  
12.C. Security Procedures and the Use of Personnel and Equipment Pursuant to 5 ILCS  
12.D. Pending Litigation Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (11)  
14.A. Next Meeting: Wednesday, November 8 at 9:00am in 3-500B  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to adjourn. Member Guttman motioned, seconded by  
Member Yoo. The meeting of the ETSB was adjourned at 10:09am.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Jean Kaczmarek