12.A. Leasing space at the 420 Building (former Youth Home) to the DuPage Senior Citizen
This space would be used for staff to package and distribute food for the program Meals on
Wheels. Member DeSart, Member Ozog, Member Zay, and Member Chaplin had questions
regarding renovating this space, future plans for this space, lease length and what the food
packaging would look like.
There was a consensus of the committee to move forward with leasing space at the 420 Building
(former Youth Home) to the DuPage Senior Citizen Council.
13.A. Campus Energy Usage - Ian Johnstone
Capital Projects Energy Analyst Ian Johnstone provided an energy usage overview of campus
energy distribution to the committee. He went over specifics of the gas and electricity usage on
campus over the past several years, as well as a preview of campus greenhouse gas contributions.
Mr. Johnstone emphasized that there was an 18% decrease in total campus greenhouse gas
emissions from 2015, and that staff is looking to decrease greenhouse gas emissions even more
in upcoming years. He also went over an energy analysis that Nicor provided for the campus, and
provided an overview of past and upcoming energy improvement projects.
13.B. Campus Sidewalk Program - Geoff Matteson
Facilities Management Supervisor Geoff Matteson previewed the previous sidewalk presentation
that was brought before the committe in June 2023. He shared two revised courtyard options, and
emphasized that these are just initial construction estimates. The revised options would focus on
replacing what needs to be replaced, and would leave room for future landscaping options.
Member DeSart, Member Cahill, Member Ozog, Member Evans, Member Rutledge and
Member Zay discussed the maintenance of permeable pavers, breakdowns of the pricing for the
two revised options, and future landscaping options.
There was a consensus of the committee to move forward with revised option two that was
presented at this meeting.
Member Chaplin inquired about a report that would discuss all environmental improvements
throughout the County campus.
No new business was discussed.
With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.