WHEATON, IL 60187  
ETSB - Policy Advisory Committee  
Final Summary  
Monday, July 10, 2023  
8:15 AM  
Room 3500A  
8:15 AM meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Dina at 8:15 AM.  
Director Linda Zerwin, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board, non-voting Member  
Matt Theusch, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board  
Eve Kraus, DuPage Emergency Telephone System Board  
Jim Connolly, Village of Addison  
Kevin Dempsey, ACDC (Remote)  
Todd Kubish, Villa Park PD (Remote)  
Jimmy Lahanis, Darien-Woodridge Fire (Remote)  
Matt Mellens, Oakbrook Terrace PD (Remote)  
Bob Murr, COD (Remote)  
John Nebl, OHSEM (Remote)  
Jason Norton, Darien PD (Remote)  
Jessica Robb, DU-COMM (Remote)  
On roll call, Members Dina, Baarman, Hermes, and Johl were present, which constituted a  
Johl, Hermes, Baarman, and Dina  
Rivas, and Hayden  
There were no remarks from Vice Chair Dina.  
There was no public comment.  
Vice Chairman Dina asked for a motion to combine Consent Agenda Items A/Minutes approval  
for ETSB PAC June 5, 2023; B/Minutes approval for ETSB PAC June 20, 2023; C/DEDIRS  
June Maintainer Report. Member Johl motioned, seconded by Member Baarman. On voice  
vote, motion carried.  
Vice Chair Dina asked for a motion to receive and place on file Consent Agenda Items  
A/Minutes approval for ETSB PAC June 5, 2023; B/ Minutes approval for ETSB PAC June 20,  
2023; C/DEDIRS June Maintainer Report. Member Johl motioned, seconded by Member  
Baarman. On voice vote, motion carried.  
ETSB PAC Minutes - Regular Meeting - Monday, June 5, 2023  
ETSB PAC Minutes - Special Call Meeting - Tuesday, June 20, 2023  
DEDIRS June Maintainer Report  
Johl, Hermes, Baarman, and Dina  
Rivas, and Hayden  
Resolution to Amend Policy 911-005.2: Access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch  
Interoperable Radio System (DEDIRS).  
Member Johl made a motion to approve, seconded by Member Baarman.  
Ms. Zerwin advised that all Members were provided with a redline copy, as well as a  
clean copy in their packet email. Ms. Zerwin advised the procedure has been that the  
policy is posted at one meeting and then it can be approved at the next meeting. She said  
the policy is not on the ETS Board agenda for July 12, 2023, but would be in August, so  
it is on this agenda as a discussion item. Member Johl asked if there would be enough  
time to recommend the policy for approval it at the August PAC meeting and on the  
agenda for the ETS Board. Ms. Zerwin confirmed, yes.  
Ms. Zerwin said there was a question about the name of the eighth Interop channel.  
Member Baarman said it was “DuPage Call”. Ms. Zerwin said there was a question of  
whether there would be Interops channels that were not encrypted. Member Johl believed  
it was decided to not encrypt the Interops, making those talkgroups available to any  
agency who requests access. Vice Chair Dina said this would be for the Police side to  
address, as Fire channels are not encrypted. Mr. Nebl, who is part of the Police Focus  
Group, said a decision had not made. Mr. Connelly said the challenge would be the use  
of the Interops primarily for outside agency integration and the challenges that could arise  
with encryption. He said the general thought was none or limited encryption of those  
talkgroups. His opinion was to keep it simple and start unencrypted. Ms. Zerwin asked if  
it was a consensus that staff would take this back to the Police Focus Group for language,  
and everyone agreed. Member Johl said the idea was to keep the Interop talkgroups  
unencrypted. A short discussion ensued.  
Member Hermes had a couple of suggestions regarding the policy language. She said she  
would like to see a definition of Interop/Interoperability at the beginning of the document,  
and then for it to be consistent throughout the rest of the document. Secondly, under the  
section titled “InterOp Talk groups” she believed it should be noted that the PSAP  
Telecommunicators would also disable the patch. Member Hermes also noted if the  
Interops are not encrypted, when the Telecommunicators are patching, they will break  
that encryption if it is an encrypted channel. Lastly, Member Hermes said under “Special  
Use” on Page 2, she would like the term “adjacent agencies” to be clarified. Ms. Zerwin  
said typically adjacent agencies would be anyone not part of the system but touching one  
of the agencies that is. She said it could be changed to say “adjacent outside agencies”.  
Member Baarman suggested “Non-DEDIRS Members”, and Member Hermes concurred.  
Mr. Connolly said he and ACDC Director Srejma once spoke about a “calling channel”  
that the PSAPS can use, similar to NORCOM. He said right now they go on IFERN and  
ask for mutual aid. He questioned if something separate is needed from DUCALL or if  
DUCALL could function in that manner, but that the PSAPs may not want to monitor a  
second channel. He said he believed that is where the Interops 911 language came from.  
Member Johl said the requests are tied to IFERN on the Fire side. Member Baarman said  
he would like to keep the operational changes to a minimum.  
Ms. Zerwin stated that the only question she had is operationally the use is at the PSAP  
level, so she wasn’t sure that this fits into this policy because this is an access policy and  
what they are talking about is use but it should be spelled out somewhere.  
Baarman suggested stating what the intent of the channel is in the policy, but to leave it to  
the PSAPs as to how they want to handle it.  
Mr. Connolly asked if she was talking about how the InterOps are used or assigned? Ms.  
Zerwin responded that sometimes a policy can try to do too many things and then it gets  
confusing. She stated after the InterOp talk group language in the policy, they could add  
a paragraph on DUCALL and its use as a point to point talkgroup between PSAPs. There  
was consensus on the basic idea and that language could be added for review.  
Ms. Zerwin said she would take the clean copy that had been posted and make the  
changes for dissemination of the policy for further comments.  
Member Johl made a motion to table ETS-R-0038-23, Policy 911-005.2, seconded by  
Member Baarman. On voice vote, motion carried.  
Pat Johl  
Matt Baarman  
Policy 911-005.3: Access to the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable Subscriber  
Unit System (DEDIRS) Encrypted Talk Groups.  
Ms. Zerwin said the original intent of the policy was to have a way to bring on non-sworn  
personnel that might need to have access. She questioned whether this policy would still  
needed when encryption is deployed, and if so, would changes be needed to either the  
policy or application form. Member Johl asked if this is for the users of DEDIRS  
member agencies. Ms. Zerwin confirmed that was the original intent. Member Johl said  
that since everyone will have encrypted access, this policy might not be needed. Member  
Baarman said this form has outlived its use for DEDIRS members, but he questioned if  
the non-DEDIRS members would need something like this, as they may have access to  
encrypted channels. A short discussion ensued around the existing policies that could  
incorporate language regarding encryption into their respective application/sign off  
forms. Ms. Zerwin summarized the recommended changes which included repealing  
Policy 911-005.3 after approval of the other DEDIRS policies.  
Ms. Zerwin asked if an agency should have all of their members sign or could the Chief  
sign to confirm that training was provided. The Member agreed the Chief could sign for  
the agency personnel.  
Ms. Zerwin said if anyone has any other language suggestions for this policy to send the  
comments or adjustments to Ms. Kraus.  
8.A. Police  
Member Baarman said the Police Focus Group met, but he had not heard anything, and that  
Member Rivas has not scheduled a follow-up to discuss encryption.  
8.B. Fire  
Vice Chair Dina said the Fire Focus Group would meet today to complete their review of the  
templates. Once all are approved, the Fire Focus Group would speak with Andy Saucedo and  
move forward with the programming of the mobile radios.  
Member Hermes said a question came up after the meeting held by Deputy Director Theusch for  
the Police Chiefs, and she thought it was important for this group to hear. She said the question  
concerned LEADS dissemination over an encrypted channel while Fire personnel and EMTs are  
on that channel. She said she spoke to the LAC (LEADS Agency Coordinator), who said there  
was nothing in LEADS that actually states that anything can not be disseminated to proper public  
safety agencies. She said these settings are usually multi-agency responses. Member Hermes  
said the fact that public safety personnel are listening is not really a LEADS issue. The bottom  
line is operations have to run, and there is no LEADS violation. Running criminal histories over  
the air would be the biggest deal, and that is not done often. Ms. Zerwin asked if the LAC had a  
specific recommendation. Member Hermes said the LAC’s recommendation was to remain  
status quo, encryption or not.  
10.A. Monday, August 7 at 8:15am in Room 3-500A  
Member Johl made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:48am, seconded by Member Baarman  
On voice vote, motion carried.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Andrea Lieberenz