WHEATON, IL 60187  
ETSB - Emergency Telephone System  
Final Summary  
Wednesday, September 13, 2023  
9:00 AM  
Room 3500B  
9:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Schwarze at 9:05 AM.  
Linda Zerwin  
Matt Theusch  
Gregg Taormina  
Eve Kraus  
Kris Cieplinski (Remote)  
Brian Kopas (Remote)  
Prithvi Bhatt (Remote)  
Adam Johnson, Chief Deputy Clerk  
Mark Winistorfer  
Ellen Smith, Treasurer’s Office  
Nick Kottmeyer, County Board Office  
Jason Blumenthal, County Board Office  
Andy Dina, Warrenville Fire  
Bill Hayden, Addison PD  
Jan Barbeau, State’s Attorney’s Office  
Dave Pederson, Forest Preserve PD  
Marilu Hernandez, ACDC  
Jacquie Bucher, DU-COMM  
Marty Cruse, DU-COMM  
Anthony McPhearson, County CIO  
Don Ehrenhaft, County IT  
Chris Clark, Glen Ellyn Fire  
Rob Schultz, Carol Stream Fire  
Jason Day, Carol Stream Fire  
Alan Emody, Bloomingdale Fire  
Matt Baarman, DU-COMM (Remote)  
Joe Breinig, DMMC (Remote)  
Rich Cassady, Glenside Fire (Remote)  
Brian Cluever, Carol Stream PD (Remote)  
Steve Demas, Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)  
Kevin Dempsey, Village of Addison (Remote)  
Tom Gallahue, ILEAS (Remote)  
Melanie Koga, County Finance (Remote)  
Todd Kubish, Villa Park PD (Remote)  
Nicole Lamela, DU-COMM (Remote)  
Brad Malloy, Glendale Heights PD (Remote)  
Keith Marc, ACDC (Remote)  
Matthew Mellens, Oakbrook Terrace PD (Remote)  
Bret Mowery, York Center Fire (Remote)  
Bob Murr, College of DuPage (Remote)  
Mike Rivas, Villa Park PD (Remote)  
Observer (Remote)  
On roll call, Members Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Rauter, Schar, Srejma, Swanson, and  
Yoo (Remote) were present. Members Eckhoff (9:08am), Maranowicz, and Tillman were absent.  
Chairman Schwarze said that there were not enough Members present in the room for a quorum  
to allow Member Yoo to participate remotely but that Member Eckhoff was in the building and  
when he joined the meeting, the board would have a sufficient number of Members to take  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Rauter, Schar, Srejma, and  
Maranowicz, and Tillman  
There was no public comment.  
Chairman Schwarze recognized DU-COMM TCII Martin Cruse, TCIII Nicholas Turano, TCII  
Robert Beuse III, and TCII Nicole Valerio who in July received a call stating a building in an  
unincorporated part of Oakbrook Terrace was struck by lightning and the roof was possibly on  
fire. Arriving Units advised DU-COMM a 4-story multi-family residence had smoke showing  
from a corner of the roof. These Telecommunicators coordinated dispatch of the box alarm,  
toned on the fire channel, and coordinated station coverage through a fire that escalated to a 2nd,  
3rd, and 4th alarm level. The efforts of the TCs became more complex with each box alarm  
level increase. Meanwhile, Operations Manager Jacquelyn Bucher was attentive to each incident  
and Fire TC and contacted the Red Cross to request assistance for the residents. Exemplary  
teamwork was displayed throughout the course of the incident.  
Member Eckhoff entered the meeting at 9:08am. Chairman Schwarze said there was a request  
that was made to allow remote participation for Member Yoo. Under Section 7a of the Open  
Meetings Act, If a quorum of the members of the public body is physically present as required by  
Section 2.01, a majority of the public body may allow a member of that body to attend the  
meeting by other means if the member is prevented from physically attending because of: (I)  
personal illness or disability; (ii) employment purposes or the business of the public body; or (iii)  
a family or other emergency. A motion was made by Member Guttman, seconded by Member  
Rauter to allow Member Yoo to remotely participate via Zoom. On voice vote, motion carried.  
4.A. Treasurer's Report  
County Treasurer Henry introduced Deputy Treasurer Ellen Smith who had a presentation on the  
ETS Board's investment accounts. The presentation was brought up on screen as Ms. Smith  
provided information on the funds and the Treasurer's approach to managing the funds and  
There were no Members' remarks.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to combine Consent Agenda Items A//Monthly Report  
for September 13; B/Revenue Report; C/Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee for  
August 7; D/Minutes Approval ETSB Ad Hoc Finance Committee for July 26 and August 24;  
E/Minutes Approval ETS Board for August 24. Member Eckhoff motioned, seconded by  
Member Guttman. On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items A//Monthly Report for  
September 13; B/Revenue Report; C/Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee for August  
7; D/Minutes Approval ETSB Ad Hoc Finance Committee for July 26 and August 24; E/Minutes  
Approval ETS Board for August 24. Member Schar motioned, seconded by Member Guttman.  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
6.A. Monthly Staff Report  
Monthly Report for September 13 Regular Meeting  
6.B. Revenue Report 911 Surcharge Funds  
ETSB Revenue Report for September 13 Regular Meeting for Fund 5820/Equalization  
6.C. Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee  
ETSB Policy Advisory Committee Minutes - Regular Meeting - Monday, August 7, 2023  
6.D. Minutes Approval Ad Hoc Finance Committee  
ETSB Ad Hoc Finance Minutes - Regular Meeting - Wednesday, July 26, 2023  
ETSB Ad Hoc Finance Minutes - Regular Meeting - Wednesday, August 24, 2023  
6.E. Minutes Approval ETS Board  
ETSB Minutes - Special Call Meeting - Thursday, August 24, 2023  
David Schar  
Michael Guttman  
Schwarze, Franz, Eckhoff, Guttman, Kramer, Rauter, Schar, Srejma,  
Swanson, and Yoo  
Maranowicz, and Tillman  
7.A. Payment of Claims  
Payment of Claims for September 13, 2023 for FY23 - Total for 4000-5820  
(Equalization): $1,773,326.01  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Grant Eckhoff  
Michael Guttman  
7.B. Milestones  
Resolution for approval of a third monetary Milestone in the amount of $231,353.10, in  
accordance with Exhibit C5: Terms of Payment schedule of Contract Restatement  
Purchase Order 950900/1914-1 to Intergraph Corporation, dba Hexagon Safety &  
Infrastructure, a Delaware Corporation, in the amount of $231,353.10.  
Ms. Zerwin provided a review of the milestones that are brought before the ETS Board  
per the milestone policy. She said this milestone was brought forward pending parent  
committee approval as the milestone costs were split between the ETSB and Police  
Records Management and would be on the PRMS Oversight meeting agenda for approval  
later that afternoon.  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
David Schar  
Eric Swanson  
7.C. Change Orders  
Resolution approving Change Order #1 to Motorola Solutions, Inc. PO 922031/6149-1 to  
provide an additional six (6) months of NICE logger support at the DU-COMM and  
ACDC PSAPs. (Total amount of change order: $78,213.34; New contract amount:  
Member Rauter said he would be voting in favor of approving the change order, however,  
he questioned legacy recordings and whether a change order would need to be brought  
forward to support NICE to retrieve any legacy recordings after the expiration of the  
change order. Ms. Zerwin began by apologizing to the board and explained that the  
change order was backdated to July 1 as it took time to negotiate the extension. To  
answer Member Rauter's question, she then referenced the ETSB retention policy that  
states recordings are only kept for 90 days and said that the assumption was any needs for  
evidentiary purposes would have been pulled off the system. She said the systems (NICE  
and Eventide) are currently both live so there are recordings running concurrently for  
backup during testing and cutover. The extension will cover the additional 90 days  
required for storage retention within NICE.  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Erik Kramer  
Michael Guttman  
7.D. Travel and Training  
Nine (9) Attendees from DuPage ETSB (2) and ACDC PSAP (7) to attend the 39th  
Annual Illinois Public Safety Telecommunications Associations (IPSTA) conference in  
Springfield, IL October 22-25 for an estimated cost of 1,400 per attendee. (Total  
conference amount not to exceed: 12,600).  
Vice Chair Franz noted his standing comments that bringing travel costs forward to the  
Board was inefficient and that while he supports training, he believed other methods  
could be utilized than to approve the costs without placing them on the agenda.  
Chairman Schwarze said that a new travel policy had been approved at the County Board  
level the previous day and that he and Director Zerwin could look into how to incorporate  
that change into the ETS Board. Ms. Zerwin also said that the PSAP IGA contains a  
solution for travel and training.  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Stephen Rauter  
William Srejma  
7.E. Resolutions  
Resolution to amend Policy 911-005.10: Metropolitan Emergency Response and  
Investigation Team Designated Talk Groups.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion on the policy. Member Schar motioned,  
seconded by Member Srejma. Chairman Schwarze then opened the item for discussion.  
Member Rauter said he had a meeting with the State's Attorney prior to the meeting and  
that he finds the resolution to be problematic and the policy statement to be problematic  
and that he would be happy to go into detail, but he suggested it be tabled. He said he  
was unsure whether it had gone back to the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) for  
review. He was in favor of the intent, but the policy as it stood was error filled and  
problematic the way he read it. He stated that unless it was tabled, he would be voting  
Member Schar stated he was not involved in the crafting of the policy, but that he is a  
member of MERIT and knows the members involved who did craft it, and said that if  
they are comfortable with it, he felt it appropriate to pass that day as they are the end  
Chairman Schwarze said that Police Chief Rivas of the MERIT Executive Committee  
and member of the PAC was online to answer any questions.  
Ms. Zerwin said the policy had gone to the PAC that previous Monday, which is why the  
voting tallies were not included in the monthly report or noted on the ESTB agenda. She  
said that Member Rauter was correct in that there were a few statute references that  
should be stricken and said there were people online who could answer their operational  
Member Rauter went through the statute references that should be updated. He said there  
were relationship questions between STARCOM and the County that were troublesome  
to him. What he said was most problematic was the allowance of encrypted talk groups  
to be patched to non-encrypted talk groups. He said under best practices, that is a  
complete no-no. He reviewed his other notes, which included the Motorola grade of  
service, policy 911-005.2 which he had not yet reviewed and did not know how it  
affected this policy, he said that there was no Illinois Tactical plan and no such thing as  
the ITTF template, and that talk groups 4A and 4B were being renamed and re-purposed  
and therefore not appropriate based on the State's plans. Member Rauter said he was  
confused that some members of the PAC said it was reviewed whereas others said it was  
not, and that maybe they were not present on Monday, but that the policy seems rushed  
and needs to be re-written.  
Chairman Schwarze asked Chief Rivas to comment. PAC Member Rivas said they had  
looked at the policy for some time and that when it comes to encryption, DuPage needs a  
mechanism to talk with their Cook County brethren and for saturation patrols. He said  
that in real time events, they are seeing units showing up from various agencies and need  
a mechanism to communicate safely and effectively with departments that do not have  
Ms. Zerwin said that in regard to the naming conventions mentioned by Member Rauter,  
DuPage is in a state of flux. There is only ADP encryption active on certain talk groups  
today, that main talk groups are currently not encrypted. In the radio template today, the  
template has the talk groups listed as ITTF talk groups. So, the policy is consistent with  
the template until the naming conventions are changed to align with SWIT. She said  
when all the changes are made and the intent is to bring the talk group policy to the  
Board, there would be language to allow staff to marry up the name changes. She said  
this policy has been in place and while there are statute references to clean up, the policy  
is already active. Ms. Zerwin said the policy could be tabled while the scrivener's errors  
are corrected but further discussion would be up to the PAC and MERIT as it is their  
policy as to how they want to grant access. She said this came to the board because the  
previous MERIT Executive Committee had greater restrictions on encryption within the  
DEDIR System. The current committee would like, as the language reflects, anyone who  
is a member of MERIT have access to the MERIT talk groups and encryption. Ms.  
Zerwin said the encryption discussion has been a fluid conversation among the police and  
fire service and how is the fire service allowed to communicate and have encryption  
desired by the police. The caveat in the policy is that if you are not a DEDIRS member,  
such as Naperville, and are a MERIT member, only those assigned to MERIT would have  
access to the MERIT talk groups on both the police and only the fire personnel assigned  
to MERIT. She concluded saying that was the change in the policy, although Member  
Rauter was accurate in the statute citations.  
Member Rauter said the solution is the legacy ITTF template which has morphed into the  
Statewide Interoperability Template (SWIT) and that the issues that were discussed as far  
as in the clear interoperability talk groups are already there for neighboring counties to  
participate which is just a phone call to the SCOC for a heads up to use the talk groups.  
He said he believed MERIT needed encrypted talk groups, but the policy needs to be  
Chairman Schwarze asked PAC Member Chief Rivas for his perspective on what he had  
heard as far as approval. Chief Rivas said, as Director Zerwin mentioned, there were a  
few corrections that could be made, but that it was ready to go. He said many DuPage  
Chiefs had input into the policy at the executive level and dissemination of information  
through the Chiefs, and thought the policy was ready for approval. Chairman Schwarze  
thanked Chief Rivas.  
Chairman Schwarze then asked ASA Winistorfer for assistance in the amendment. ASA  
Winistorfer said he did unfortunately miss that statute references that should have been  
stricken as asked Member Rauter that if those offended references are stricken, if that  
would satisfy his concerns about the overall policy or were his concerns more  
substantive. Member Rauter said if it was the sense of the Board to approve the policy,  
he would still vote no as there were a lot of things that still need major corrections, but  
that he wants to support MERIT and there are ways to address and fix the policy in its  
ASA Winistorfer asked, for clarity, if Member Rauter was making a motion to table the  
item. Member Rauter replied it sounds as if the Board was apt to approve it, it would be  
the Chairman's prerogative but that he was not entertaining a motion to table it. He said  
he would suggest it was if another Member felt the same way, that he would rather it  
come from another Member and not hold it up.  
Member Yoo said if there was no motion to table, then she would make the motion to  
approve the policy, as amended to correct the Scrivener's error. ASA Winistorfer  
clarified the motion language for Member Yoo, which was seconded by Member  
Guttman. Vice Chair Franz said he wanted to support the policy as there had been good  
work and progress and asked if PAC and MERIT could be asked to go back and review  
the policy to bring back within the next 6 months to address Member Rauter's concerns.  
Ms. Zerwin answered she believed that was already in process as part of the flux to clean  
up the talk groups. Member Rauter said he did not know what the Scrivener's changes  
were addressing, that there were conceptual substantive errors, not misspellings or  
grammatical errors, that he has uncovered so he did not know what he would be voting  
on. He said with his concerns of the overall issues with the policy, Member Yoo's motion  
would not satisfy what he was trying to get done. Chairman Schwarze asked ASA  
Winistorfer to clarify the amendments. ASA Winistorfer said that under Additional  
Authority, the lines reading 50 ILCS 751 Wireless Emergency Telephone Safety Act and  
83 Illinois Administrative Code Part 1325.415(m) would be stricken from the policy.  
Member Yoo confirmed that as accurate.  
Member Eckhoff said that he thought the intent of the system after 9-1-1 was to get  
everyone talking during an emergency as a team. He said he looks at this as a step, not  
the final step, to get us there. He said what Member Rauter was talking about has merit,  
no pun intended, but that additional steps would be taken after the resolution today to  
address Member Rauter's concerns. Ms. Zerwin confirmed that as accurate and said there  
is no AES encryption on the radios today, that it was still in discussion, so the policy in  
some respects is moot because none of the main talk groups are encrypted today. She  
said if there were an event today and Interop talk groups 1-8 were patched, they would  
not be breaking encryption at this point.  
Member Rauter asked if Roman Numeral IV was being addressed under the amendment.  
Chairman Schwarze replied that the lines ASA Winistorfer read were the lines being  
PAC Chairman Hayden commented that he understands the conversation and asked if the  
Board could move forward with the policy today to protect the men and women under  
MERIT but meet to come to an agreement and bring the policy back in a timely manner.  
A roll call vote was taken. All Members voted, "Aye", except Member Rauter, who  
voted, "No". The motion to amend the policy carried.  
Addressing PAC Chairman Hayden, Member Rauter said he agreed, this had to be done,  
but the policy is not right the way it is and he would be happy to work with the PAC  
when they call a meeting.  
On the underlying motion, Vice Chair Franz moved, seconded by Member Swanson, to  
approve the policy as amended. On voice vote, motion carried.  
Mark Franz  
Eric Swanson  
7.F. FY2024 Budget Resolution  
Annual Appropriation Resolution for the Emergency Telephone System Board of  
DuPage, State of Illinois, for the Fiscal Period beginning December 1, 2023 and ending  
November 30, 2024.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to approved. Vice Chair Franz moved, seconded  
by Member Rauter. Chairman Schwarze turned the discussion over to Ms. Zerwin.  
Ms. Zerwin said the practice has been to review the budget in September with approval in  
October, so there would be a motion to table to move that forward. She said the Board  
received a memo to review the work the Ad Hoc Finance Committee had done. She  
apologized for a few last-minute surprise items that had come up after the last finance  
meeting and had not yet been reviewed. She said they would go through the items today  
and items for recommendation would come at the end. The budget presentation was  
shared onscreen.  
Ms. Zerwin said the Ad Hoc Finance Committee had met several times and gone through  
the line items. Since 2016 and the ETSB finished consolidation of the shared system, the  
budget is leveling as they come into the first cycle of replacement in equipment that was  
either refreshed or replaced in the two new PSAPs. The first slide was a snapshot of the  
overall budget, which she said only looked really good because of the IGA pending  
between the PSAPs and the ETSB which recommends a payment of $2M and another  
$1M that has been in the FY23 budget. In the FY24 budget, the $2M does not appear,  
which would be a discussion point later.  
Ms. Zerwin addressed Personnel and said the County Board would be recommending a  
COLA of 3% this year which she had learned of on September 7, so the figures in the  
budget were adjusted from what the Ad Hoc Finance Committee had been discussing  
prior to this meeting of a 4% COLA and merit. She said County Board is not  
recommending a merit salary adjustment for FY24. She said there were also the two  
newly filled positions which had been reorganized which also accounted for only a 1%  
increase from FY23 to FY24.  
In Commodities, Ms. Zerwin noted the replacement parts for the APXNext radios and the  
reorganization of the line items in the County Finance systems and distinctions between  
owning a license and leasing a license. She said that public liability insurance was based  
at 15% per County recommendation. In wireline, FY24 is seeing an increase because of  
the second SIP connection as part of the Customer Premise Equipment (CPE) or the call  
handling project that is in process. Airtime was moved and would be reimbursed under  
the major projects from the agencies who purchased radios from ETSB as part of the  
interoperable system but are radios that ETSB cannot pay for per the FCC.  
The next slide showed Operating as down 7%. Capital showed a significant decrease of  
80% because these lines deal with new projects. Under new projects there is RapidSOS  
Premium as an added enhancement as recommended by the Ad Hoc Finance Committee.  
Also, Multi Factor Authentication was a recommendation by the Ad Hoc Finance  
Committee based on the events which took place in Addison and other agencies over the  
last few years. MFA is a significant undertaking with the size system in place to handle  
and while a budgetary number has been added, the hope is to be under. Since the last Ad  
Hoc Finance Committee meeting, Winfield Fire notified ETSB of approval for a new fire  
station. ETSB provides the core equipment and while their building may not be ready for  
the FY24 budget given supply chain issues and such, the recommendation is the amount  
of $67,960 be added into the budget to allow for time to order and receive equipment.  
The next item Ms. Zerwin noted was Digital Fixed Station Interface (DFSI) and was a  
request from the PSAPs. DFSI allows the backup radio system owned by the PSAPs to  
see the radio IDs of the units when they are talking. Today, when the PSAPs are on  
backup, they do not get that feature. Ms. Zerwin recommended the Board not take on any  
other aspects of those systems because although an allowable cost, they are significant to  
the amount of a couple million dollars and the budget would need to be re-calculated.  
She continued saying that this part of the interface is a good safety practice and that the  
Board received an additional memo on this item for discussion. Those four capital  
requests total approximately $633,528. Existing equipment that is replaced each year is  
around $119,333 and includes replacement of servers and CAD workstations and the  
OHSEM tower generator which is up for replacement but that staff would work with  
County to determine whether refurbishment or replacement is needed.  
Ms. Zerwin reviewed the equipment for which Capital Outlay would be utilized in FY24.  
Items which would be reimbursed by PRMS were shown on the Board memorandum  
with an asterisk. Vice Chair Franz asked if investments should be shown on the chart to  
figure into the projected ending balance. Ms. Zerwin said that information was provided  
by the Treasurer's presentation earlier in the meeting and was not yet known for the  
budget presentation.  
Ms. Zerwin then reviewed the Revenue history as noted in the Board memorandum.  
Ms. Zerwin said the Board could approve the budget today, but that there are  
recommendations and decisions for the Board to make including the $2M for the PSAP  
IGA and whether to follow suit for the recommended COLA.  
Chairman Schwarze listed the Members of the Ad Hoc Finance Committee and provided  
a summation of the items not yet reviewed prior to today's meeting. In regard to the  
decisions to be made, beginning with COLA, Chairman Schwarze recommended the  
Board continue to follow the guidance of County Board. Ms. Zerwin asked for  
clarification that if County Board makes a change to their guidance, would the ETS  
Board want staff to calculate that into the budget for the October meeting. Member  
Guttman said Ms. Zerwin had indicated the ETS Board had always followed suit and he  
thought absent of a large discussion of that process, they should continue to do so. Ms.  
Zerwin questioned, unless they go negative? The Board agreed. In keeping the revenue  
assumption at $14.1M, Vice Chair Franz asked if they should include the investment  
income, as well. Ms. Zerwin said she would discuss that with Treasurer Henry for a  
recommendation as that income would fluctuate. Given the amount of capital that is  
expected to be spent in FY24, there will be less funds to invest, therefore the yield will be  
less. Ms. Zerwin said it could be calculated but she usually uses surcharge as the  
Chairman Schwarze asked what needed to be discussed in terms of the capital  
contingencies contribution of $7.5M. Member Guttman said he agreed with that  
recommendation. Ms. Zerwin reviewed the upcoming fiscal year contributions as the  
slide was brought on screen. She provided a brief history of 54199 and explained there  
were costs estimated to be paid out in FY23 for projects that had not been completed and  
would be paid out in FY24.  
Chairman Schwarze asked if there were any questions relating to Capital Contingencies.  
Vice Chair Franz asked for the PowerPoint presentation again for the October meeting.  
Chairman Schwarze then said they need to discuss the $2M for the PSAP IGA. He  
provided a brief history of the incomplete IGA and the budgeted costs associated with it  
since 2021. In talking to Member Guttman and Director Zerwin, he thought they were  
very close and that it would be wonderful to complete in FY23. Vice Chair Franz stated  
the IGA should be on the agenda for next month for approval. Chairman Schwarze  
confirmed with Ms. Zerwin that $1M is in the FY24 budget, to which she responded yes.  
Vice Chair Franz inquired into the fiscal year dates. Ms. Zerwin replied December 1  
begins the next fiscal year and she reviewed the process which included any changes  
being submitted to ASA Winistorfer and would have to be approved by DU-COMM and  
the Village of Addison, ETSB, and the County Board before November 30. Chairman  
Schwarze's goal in talking to Member Maranowicz and Member Guttman was to have  
this ready for approval at the ETS Board October meeting. He said Ms. Zerwin would  
need direction from the Board regarding the $2M if the IGA is not resolved in an  
appropriate amount of time. Member Guttman believed yes, but that it should not be  
added today. He agreed with Vice Chair Franz that it should be an action item on the  
October agenda ahead of the budget and based upon what happens, would set a direction  
for the budget. He further said that when it was appropriate, he would be making a  
motion to table the budget approval until the next meeting.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for any further comments, to which there were none. Member  
Guttman made a motion to table the FY24 budget to the regularly scheduled October  
meeting to be placed on the agenda after an action item on the Intergovernmental  
Agreement between the County, ETSB, and the PSAPs. The motion was seconded by  
Member Rauter. Hearing no further discussion, Chairman Schwarze asked all in favor?  
All Members voiced "Aye", none opposed, motion carried.  
Vice Chair Franz provided kudos to Ms. Zerwin and her team for their work on the  
budget and the presentation today. Member Guttman echoed his thank you.  
Michael Guttman  
Stephen Rauter  
PAC Chair Hayden said the MERIT policy had already been discussed earlier in the meeting. He  
said there is another policy the PAC is working on to be brought forward in the next couple  
PAC Vice Chair Dina said the burning question is, why do they not have the new fire radios out  
on the street. He provided a status of the progress of the Fire Focus Group under the mobile and  
portable radio categories and a brief discussion ensued around encryption, the issues  
experienced, radio warranty, the hazard zone NFPA settings and programming, and whether  
there was an option to potentially use another model radio in place of the APXNext XN.  
Ms. Zerwin had nothing beyond what was reported in the monthly report.  
Member Rauter questioned the dates that were queried for a special call meeting to discuss  
system design. Chairman Schwarze said he had that noted under Old Business.  
Chairman Schwarze said that with regard to the Special Call meeting to discuss the consolidation  
policy, he said a date could not be found that worked. He said he wanted as many Members to  
attend as possible but that representatives from both ACDC and DU-COMM must be present.  
He asked if the Board would consider holding the Special Call on the same date as the regularly  
scheduled meeting on October 11 either prior to that meeting, or directly after. With a show of  
hands, the consensus of the Members present was to begin at 8:00am on October 11 with the  
ETS Board regular meeting to follow. Staff will follow up with Members Maranowicz and  
Tillman for their availability.  
Vice Chair Franz said he did not want the meeting to be unproductive and asked if there would  
be background materials available. Ms. Zerwin said what they are really talking about is future  
growth and that consolidation is an aspect of that. She said the directors are working on a history  
and background and that policy would be driven from that discussion. She said the consolidation  
policy in place today was designed for internal consolidation and believed that most of that  
language would most likely stay intact so agencies do not move around. She said that when the  
consolidation questions came up, County GIS was able to provide a future growth study that  
would be shared. Vice Chair Franz asked if that was recent, to which Ms. Zerwin replied yes, it  
had come up at a Police Chiefs meeting a few months ago and GIS was able to accommodate the  
There was no other old business.  
There was no new business.  
12.A. Minutes Review Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (21)  
12.B. Personnel Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C ) (1)  
12.C. Security Procedures and the Use of Personnel and Equipment Pursuant to 5 ILCS  
12.D. Pending Litigation Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (11)  
14.A. Next Meeting: Wednesday, October 11 at 9:00am in 3-500B  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to adjourn. Member Eckhoff motioned, seconded by  
Member Kramer. The meeting of the ETSB was adjourned at 10:31am.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Jean Kaczmarek