WHEATON, IL 60187  
ETSB - Emergency Telephone System  
Final Summary  
Thursday, August 24, 2023  
9:00 AM  
Room 3500B  
9:00 AM meeting was called to order by Chairman Schwarze at 9:00 AM.  
Linda Zerwin  
Matt Theusch  
Gregg Taormina  
Eve Kraus  
Brian Kopas (Remote)  
Prithvi Bhatt (Remote)  
Adam Johnson, Chief Deputy Clerk  
Mark Winistorfer  
Nick Kottmeyer, County Board Office  
Bill Hayden, Village of Addison  
Dave Pederson, Forest Preserve PD  
Jessica Robb, DU-COMM  
Anthony McPhearson, County CIO  
Chris Chisnell, Motorola  
Matt Baarman, DU-COMM (Remote)  
Kimberly Blair, DMMC (Remote)  
Steve Demas, Lisle-Woodridge Fire (Remote)  
Kevin Dempsey, Village of Addison (Remote)  
Dick Dufort, Elmhurst Fire (Remote)  
Tom Gallahue, ILEAS (Remote)  
Joe Lightcap, Baker Tilly (Remote)  
Jim McGreal, Downers Grove PD (Remote)  
Will Sperling, Citizen (Remote)  
On roll call, Members Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter, Schar, Srejma,  
Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo were present. Member Eckhoff was absent.  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter, Schar,  
Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
There was no public comment.  
Chairman Schwarze introduced Steve Rauter who was appointed to ETSB on August 22, 2023  
and asked Member Rauter to introduce himself. Member Rauter provided an overview of his  
over 50 years in public safety and said although he is retired, he wants to stay active.  
Chairman Schwarze then introduced Gregg Taormina who was hired into the Deputy Director of  
IT position for ETSB. Mr. Taormina then briefly introduced himself to the Board.  
From the June and July monthly reports, Chairman Schwarze recognized the PSAP personnel on  
their job well done accomplishments as well as Don Ehrenhaft from County IT for being  
promoted to RMS Manager.  
Chairman Schwarze then introduced Joe Lightcap from Baker Tilly who was present via Zoom to  
present the findings from the FY22 audit. Mr. Lightcap gave a summary of the two reports: the  
audited financial statements and the reporting and insights. He began by thanking the ETS Board  
employees and the County Finance Department for their assistance during the audit. The audit  
went very smoothly, there were a lot of questions that were answered completely and in a timely  
manner. A clean opinion was again issued on the Board’s financial statements. This is the  
highest level of assurance gained from the outside auditors. It states that the financial information  
presented is reasonable in all material respects. There were no new accounting standards since  
the previous audit, which made it consistent to last year's statements.  
Mr. Lightcap concluded with a review of the management discussion analysis which gave a  
high-level overview of what had happened, including liabilities, capital assets, and revenue,  
between last year's financial statement and this year's. He asked if the Board had questions on the  
reports. No one did. Chairman Schwarze thanked Mr. Lightcap for his presentation.  
There were no Members' remarks.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to combine Consent Agenda Items A/FY22 Annual  
Audit Report; B/Monthly Reports for July 12 and August 9; C/Revenue Reports for July 12 and  
August 9; D/Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee for June 5 and June 20, 2023.  
Member Schar motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Franz. On voice vote, Member Rauter voted  
"Present", all other Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Chairman Schwarze then asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items A/FY22 Annual  
Audit Report; B/Monthly Reports for July 12 and August 9; C/Revenue Reports for July 12 and  
August 9; D/Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee for June 5 and June 20, 2023.  
Member Tillman motioned, seconded by Member Yoo. On voice vote, Member Rauter voted  
"Present", all other Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Member Rauter questioned how the ETSB audit coincides with the State's mandated audit as far  
as timing. Ms. Zerwin replied that the State has provided a spreadsheet which many agencies  
utilize to calculate timing, including ETSB's assigned Accountant Melanie Koga and County  
staff who complete the report for submission to the State to provide a check and balance.  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to combine Consent Agenda Items E/Minutes Approval  
Ad Hoc Finance Committee for June 28; F/Minutes Approval ETS Board for June 14 and July  
25, 2023. Member Schar moved, seconded by Vice Chair Franz. On voice vote, Member Rauter  
voted "Present", all other Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Chairman Schwarze then asked for a motion to approve Consent Agenda Items E/Minutes  
Approval Ad Hoc Finance Committee for June 28; F/Minutes Approval ETS Board for June 14  
and July 25, 2023. Member Tillman moved, seconded by Member Yoo. On voice vote, Member  
Rauter voted "Present", all other Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
6.A. FY22 Annual Audit Report  
FY22 Annual Audit Report  
6.B. Monthly Staff Report  
Monthly Report for July 12 Regular Meeting  
Monthly Report for August 9 Regular Meeting  
6.C. Revenue Report 911 Surcharge Funds  
ETSB Revenue Report for July 12 Regular Meeting for Fund 5820/Equalization  
ETSB Revenue Report for August 9 Regular Meeting for Fund 5820/Equalization  
6.D. Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee  
ETSB PAC Minutes - Regular Meeting - Monday, June 5, 2023  
ETSB PAC Minutes - Special Call Meeting - Tuesday, June 20, 2023  
Michael Tillman  
Yeena Yoo  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Schar, Srejma,  
Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
ETSB PAC Minutes - Regular Meeting - Monday, July 10, 2023  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to amend and approve Consent Agenda Item  
6D3/Minutes Approval Policy Advisory Committee from July 10. Member Schar  
motioned, seconded by Vice Chair Franz. On voice vote, Member Rauter voted "Present",  
all other Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
David Schar  
Mark Franz  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Schar, Srejma,  
Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
6.E. Minutes Approval Ad Hoc Finance Committee  
ETSB Ad Hoc Finance Minutes - Regular Meeting - Wednesday, June 28, 2023  
6.F. Minutes Approval ETS Board  
ETSB Minutes - Regular Meeting - Wednesday, June 14, 2023  
ETSB Minutes - Special Call Meeting - Tuesday, July 25, 2023  
Michael Tillman  
Yeena Yoo  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Schar, Srejma,  
Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
7.A. Budget Transfers  
Budget Transfer for the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County for  
Fiscal Year 2023 from 4000-5820-54199 (Capital Contingencies) to 4000-5820-54100  
(Capital IT Equipment) for the payment and accounting of contractual obligations of the  
Dell PO 923020/6546-1 for CAD replacement monitors in the PSAPs. (Total budget  
transfer: $55,050)  
Erik Kramer  
Michael Tillman  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter, Schar,  
Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
7.B. Payment of Claims  
Payment of Claims for August 24, 2023 for FY23 - Total for 4000-5820 (Equalization):  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Yeena Yoo  
Michael Guttman  
7.C. Change Orders  
Resolution approving Change Order #4 to AT&T Inc. PO 917107/2277-1 to extend the  
CAMA trunks length of service by one (1) year and adjust the expiration date in the  
County Finance software. (Non-monetary change order)  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Michael Tillman  
William Srejma  
Resolution approving Change Order #2 to Motorola Solutions, Inc. PO 921054/5522-1 to  
provide additional portable and mobile radio units and accessories to augment the  
original equipment order to be used on the DuPage Emergency Dispatch Interoperable  
Radio System on STARCOM21. (Total amount of change order: $2,478,018.72; New  
contract total: $37,203,876.63)  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to amend Resolution ETS-CO-0005-23 to correct  
a Scrivener's error in the dollar amount in the last paragraph from $34,725,857.91 to a  
total contract amount of $37,203,876.63. A motion was made by Member Schar,  
seconded by Member Guttman, to amend Item ETS-CO-0005-23. On voice vote,  
Member Rauter voted "Present", all other Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Chairman Schwarze then asked for a motion to approve Item 7C2 as amended. A motion  
was made by Member Schar, seconded by Member Guttman, to approve Item 7C2. On  
voice vote, Member Rauter voted "Present", all other Members voted "Aye", motion  
David Schar  
Michael Guttman  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Schar, Srejma,  
Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
Resolution approving Change Order #2 to Watson Furniture Group d.b.a. Watson  
Consoles PO 922029/5953-1 to extend the contract date in the County Finance software  
to December 31, 2023 to complete the installation of the monitor arrays in the  
DU-COMM PSAP. (Non-monetary change order)  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Michael Tillman  
William Srejma  
Resolution approving Change Order #24, to Intergraph Corporation, d.b.a. Hexagon  
Safety & Infrastructure, a Delaware Corporation, PO 950900/1914-1 to document an  
adjustment of the maintenance amount due for the time period of July 1, 2022 through  
June 20, 2023. (Change order amount: -$6,771.16; New contract amount:  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Michael Tillman  
Michael Guttman  
7.D. Purchase Resolutions  
Awarding Resolution to Deccan International PO 923017 for the fifth and final of five (5)  
optional annual renewals of LiveMUM software maintenance. (Amount of renewal:  
Member Yoo asked for clarification on what LiveMUM services do. Member Srejma  
provided a brief explanation of the usage within the PSAPs.  
Member Tillman inquired into whether the service is being used in both PSAPs. Member  
Srejma replied, it is, but that ACDC is currently experiencing issues and that the  
Directors are going to try to work it out.  
Member Rauter said he has been talking to the users of the system and felt is it  
underutilized. He said Scott Klein, a Prescient MIS employee working in DU-COMM,  
has been working like a dog to try to fix the one-offs that sometimes work. Member  
Rauter said some agencies do not want LiveMUM and asked when it was up for further  
renewal and discussion or an optional payment plan whereby the agencies who use it pay  
for it under their grant rather than everyone paying for it when a large portion do not use  
nor want it. Ms. Zerwin replied that this was part of the strategic plan as part of the goals  
and objectives assembled by Chairman Schwarze to be discussed by the Fire  
Standardization Focus Group. Ms. Zerwin said it is a one-year renewal and the Fire  
Standardization Focus Group would have a discussion on its utilization and whether they  
want to make a recommendation to the Board regarding its continuation. Member Rauter  
suggested those who use it pay for it under their other grant, those who do not should not  
be subject to paying for it. Ms. Zerwin asked Member Rauter for clarification on what he  
meant by "other grant" because it is not a term used by this ETSB, ETSB purchases the  
contracts. Member Rauter asked if it was true that both DU-COMM and ACDC get a  
chunk of money each year for grants. Ms. Zerwin replied, there is an IGA under  
discussion, but not yet. Member Rauter clarified, it is not approved yet, okay. He  
continued, but if they did, if it is going to be approved, he believed those who wanted to  
use it could pay for it and those who want nothing to do with it do not need to pay for it.  
Member Srejma said he believed that all the talk groups within DuPage have  
representation within the Fire Standardization Focus Group and if they have issues, they  
should bring them to the table for discussion.  
Chairman Schwarze asked DU-COMM Executive Director Jessica Robb if she had any  
comments. Ms. Robb said that DU-COMM is more of a proponent of the system than  
ACDC and provided an example of it as an extremely useful tool. She said that with all  
the resources to be allocated it is invaluable to the dispatchers and that it does not work as  
well if you cherry pick some agencies that do not want it if their information is not  
programmed into it. It must have buy in from all the agencies involved.  
Vice Chair Franz thought it was a good discussion for their strategic plan for  
consolidation and efficiencies within the System.  
Member Kramer said the fire agencies that Member Rauter is claiming have an issue with  
it are primarily border agencies and that they have to get together to figure out how the  
system will work with the border agencies.  
Chairman Schwarze added that as a former user of LiveMUM, it could be inconvenient at  
times when apparatus needed to be moved at 3am because of an event but that he  
appreciated its usage when the equipment was where it needed to be when another event  
occurred. Member Srejma added that the automation is the key, that for a dispatcher to  
recognize that a geographical area was deficient, to have the automatic movement  
recommendation is very helpful.  
On voice vote, Member Rauter voted "Present", all other Members voted "Aye", motion  
David Schar  
Michael Guttman  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Schar, Srejma,  
Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
Awarding Resolution to SHI International Corp. PO 923018 for a renewal of a Zendesk  
customer service ticketing software subscription for 20 Agents for a one (1) year period  
from September 8, 2023 through September 7, 2024. (Total amount: 29,423.75)  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
William Srejma  
Michael Tillman  
Awarding resolution to Dick Buss & Associates LLC PO 923023 for additional labor  
beyond one trip (5 working days) quoted as part of PO 922019/5953-1 to install the  
monitor arrays in the DU-COMM PSAP. (Total amount not to exceed: $42,500.00)  
Member Rauter asked what the incremental increase was for the not to exceed amount of  
$42,500. Ms. Zerwin explained the project is going to take longer than the contracted  
length of time so additional labor was being added through Dick Buss and that it is not to  
exceed $42,500 because the exact number of days is unknown. She said if it takes all 17  
days within the estimate, the entire $42,500 would be used, if not, then it would be less.  
Member Rauter asked what was the contract amount. There were five days included in  
the contract. Vice Chair Franz referenced the documentation, specifically the quoted  
$2,500 per day. Member Rauter took a moment to confirm that 17 days at $2,500 per day  
equaled $42,500. He then replied, thank you.  
On voice vote, Member Rauter voted "Present", all other Members voted "Aye", motion  
David Schar  
Michael Guttman  
Schwarze, Franz, Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Schar, Srejma,  
Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo  
Resolution to encumber funds in the County Finance software for payment of invoices to  
AT&T Inc. PO 923022 for Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS) utility phone service in  
the DU-COMM PSAP for four (4) years. (Annual amount: $13,000.00; total amount:  
Member Rauter asked if the lines were administrative for DU-COMM, office lines for the  
agencies, or legacy ten-digit emergency numbers. Ms. Zerwin replied, none of the above.  
She said they are the if all else fails there are POTS lines to perform functions. Member  
Rauter clarified, this is a bundle of POTS lines for backup. Ms. Zerwin replied, correct.  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Michael Guttman  
David Schar  
7.E. Resolutions  
Resolution approving the sale of surplus items from the County of DuPage on behalf of  
the Emergency Telephone System Board of DuPage County to the City of St. Charles.  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Yeena Yoo  
William Srejma  
7.F. Travel and Training  
Seven (7) Attendees from DuPage ETSB (2), ACDC (4) and DU-COMM (1) PSAP to  
attend the Hexagon Public Safety Users' Group (HPSUG) conference in Plano, TX on  
November 6-9, 2023 for an estimated cost of $2,700 per attendee. (Total conference  
amount not to exceed: $18,900)  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Michael Tillman  
Yeena Yoo  
Four (4) Attendees from DuPage ACDC PSAP to attend the Mutual Aid Box Alarm  
System (MABAS) Dispatchers Hands-On In-Service Training in Champaign, IL on  
September 13-14, 2023 for an estimated cost of $1,000 per attendee. (Total conference  
amount not to exceed: $4,000)  
On voice vote, all Members voted "Aye", motion carried.  
Stephen Rauter  
William Srejma  
Chairman Schwarze turned the discussion over to Director Zerwin. Ms. Zerwin reported that the  
ETSB Ad Hoc Finance Committee was meeting after the ETS board meeting. The committee is  
on schedule for a preliminary review of the budget at the ETS Board meeting next month.  
Chairman Hayden reported there was no report for this month, but he will have one for next  
meeting. However, progress is being made as always.  
Member Franz said that he had heard some concerns on the fire side regarding encryption and  
requested a more in-depth conversation next month. Ms. Zerwin advised that beyond what was  
included in the monthly report that the Fire Focus Group, a subset of PAC, was working through  
the NFPA standards in the radio and that they are testing several formats. On the Police side, the  
group is changing how the encryption tree will work to narrow it down. Once that is decided it  
will be part of the programming for the fire radios. Member Franz asked if Fire is using the new  
radios. Ms. Zerwin advised that the Fire Focus Group members are using the new radios in  
different configurations to see how they are working.  
Member Rauter asked if the fire agencies that have brought this adopted NFPA by ordinance  
because of the hazard zone issues with the radios. Have the agencies asking for it adopted the  
NFPA by ordinance? Director Zerwin advised that the ETSB does not weigh in on that level.  
Member Rauter said that this is important because if the agencies adopted NFPA by ordinance it  
becomes a mandate. The (hazard zone) standard is optional and it is not really working out well.  
He said Motorola is working on it to meet the needs of DuPage but he is just wondering how  
aggressively the fire agencies need it or want it. Member Rauter has not seen any case study  
where this feature has saved the day.  
Member Rauter continued, regarding encryption, because of his involvement with the State and  
CISA, he would offer to ETSB a representative from CISA who is deeply involved with States  
and Counties to work on the encryption plan. Member Rauter said he and others have looked at  
the notes of the (DuPage) plan and he has been monitoring what was done. He believed we  
would not be happy with the outcome if DuPage were to keep going down that path. He  
suggested getting CISA to help. In his opinion, this has been a sticking point and the radio  
project has been delayed because of encryption and the overlap of whether fire wants encryption.  
Member Rauter said if Fire wants to talk to Law enforcement, encryption is needed in the fire  
Member Rauter offered to get CISA either directly via volunteer, which he believed he could pull  
off, or the State SWIC has offered him personally to go for a technical advisory grant to resolve  
the issues with encryption. Member Rauter directed his comments to PAC Chairman Hayden  
and said it seems like DuPage is not getting off the mark. There are things the State is doing that  
need to be taken into account according and he would be happy to work with us and get in touch  
later. Member Rauter said globally, DuPage needs to get off the mark because it is gumming up  
the works for forward progress for both Fire and Police. He would be happy to help us.  
Chairman Schwarze commented that it has been over a year that the PAC Members have been  
working hard on the encryption plan. Chairman Schwarze directed his question to PAC  
Chairman Hayden and asked, is there was something that member Rauter has been brought up  
that could be used? PAC Chairman Hayden advised he is not completely familiar with  
everything Member Rauter brought up, but the encryption is important to Law enforcement, and  
that the majority of the Police chiefs want to pursue encryption and to that end, Police has been  
working with Fire to make a plan, which is still in progress.  
Member Rauter advised that the cautionary tale is that his contact with CISA, who goes all over  
the country working with states and counties, to undo something to get it to work right is very  
costly. He said DuPage needs to go in with its eyes wide open, that the people who do it for a  
living, to have them help DuPage proof up the plan to make sure it works not only locally but  
interfaces with the State encryption plan. Member Rauter concluded by saying if you have to do  
it (the encryption plan), then to undo it is going to be far more money.  
Director Zerwin took an audible breath and Member Rauter commented, sigh.  
Director Zerwin responded and said, no not a sigh just that the ETSB operates via focus groups.  
The Policy Advisory Committee (PAC) was formed out of the Radio Steering Committee 15  
years ago as the operational arm of the radio system because operationally, it is really on the  
Police and Fire side how they want the radios set up and operated. The PSAPS are involved at  
the PAC level each with a Police and Fire member as well as a PSAP representative. Ms. Zerwin  
said the police and fire focus groups have several people, ie John Nebl from the Office of  
Homeland Security and Emergency Management (OHSEM) who is a Communications Unit  
Leader (COML) and a part of Statewide Interoperability Template (SWIT) and is actively  
involved. In a system this large, there have been chiefs that have retired or stepped down. With  
the retirement of Police Chief Stever Herron, Chief Rivas came in and there has been some  
review of the plan. There have also been some policy changes. The first go around with MERIT  
had all their talkgroups locked down with encryption. Today, the group that heads up MERIT  
has decided that if you are a member, you can have access to those channels. This is a living  
plan operationally and nothing is ever set in stone because the community changes. The  
community has to be policed as it is which is why there are the PAC and the focus groups to  
review operations. Ms. Zerwin believed that John Nebl, who has been involved in conversations  
at the SWIT level because of the static 205 and the encryption plans, has been working with  
Chief Rivas on the plan. At this point it is a design element.  
Member Rauter inquired as the whether the group looked at CISA’s recommendation. Ms.  
Zerwin replied she believes they have and have made recommendations based on where they are  
at today. Member Rauter stated, none the less, he was willing to help because DuPage needs to  
get off the mark. Member Rauter advised he really does not like change orders and if DuPage  
goes down the path without its eyes wide open perhaps to fix the problem is going to cost a lot of  
There were no further questions.  
Ms. Zerwin had nothing beyond what was reported in the monthly report.  
There was no old business.  
Member Maranowicz advised that he has spoken with Des Plaines and they are looking for  
direction from ETSB regarding consolidation because if the answer is no, they need to move  
forward. As a Village Manager, Member Maranowicz understands where they (Des Plaines) are  
going. Member Maranowicz requested further discussion be added to the September agenda to  
provide clear direction on where the law is, whether the law will be changed, and the direction of  
the Board so Des Plaines is clear and due diligence has been done.  
Chairman Schwarze responded that because DuPage ETSB does not legally have the capability  
of consolidating, is that not our answer? ASA Winistorfer advised that is the answer right now.  
But if there is proposed legislation, he can look into that and determine whether there is going to  
be a change in the veto session.  
Member Rauter asked if DuPage has proposed language to that effect. ASA Winistorfer  
responded not that he is aware of and that he has not made a proposal.  
Member Rauter advised that the SAB has canceled numerous meetings. He said the veto session  
is quickly approaching and he is concerned that something will come in that may or may not  
work for the State and the problem everyone will have is that 5 of the SAB members have not  
been reappointed, to his knowledge. There may be the September meeting where they are going  
to talk about this issue and 5 people standing there mute because they cannot vote. Member  
Rauter wanted assurances that DuPage County is not advocating any changes that would solve  
the Des Plaines issue. ASA Winistorfer asked Member Rauter if he was asking him that  
question. Member Rauter said he is asking if the County is going to advocate for a change in  
legislature to accommodate Des Plaines. Because otherwise Member Rauter believed it is a dead  
issue, that DuPage cannot act. Vice Chair Franz replied that if the County wants to advocate for  
a change in the legislature to accommodate Des Plaines, the ETSB should advise on that as our  
responsibility. Member Rauter replied that was exactly where he was going.  
Member Schar responded, based that based on this conversation, he would agree. He recalled  
the Board had decided that since they could not make the determination, the ETSB should be  
spending this time revisiting policy and whether they would support additional consolidation.  
Member Schar advised he has feedback from his members to that question but did not believe  
this is the appropriate time for this discussion. Member Maranowicz responded that he was not  
asking for that. Member Schar agreed and responded that it would be a good conversation if this  
Board wants to acquire outside agencies.  
Member Maranowicz responded; this is not a Des Plaines issue. It is an unknown what could be  
coming in two more months. Member Maranowicz just needed to know to do his due diligence  
so that the Board can have this conversation in September.  
Vice Chair Franz advised he wanted to further point this out that the consolidation policy has  
been on the agenda and the ETSB has had brief conversations. The policy was sent out to  
Members for comments and some have been passed along, so the conversation has started.  
Chairman Schwarze advised that a few months ago this was a part of his strategic plan for  
discussion. It was not specific to Des Plaines, but it was specific to the consolidation policy. He  
said, that is still on his agenda.  
Ms. Zerwin advised, just to be clear, that at the State level, DuPage has not advocated anything.  
The question came up with Member Tillman asked if a referendum was required to allow Des  
Plaines. The State’s Attorney’s Office, in reviewing the matter felt there was a gap in the  
legislation that effected all 101 non-home rule counties. The State’s Attorney’s Office spoke  
with the attorney for the Illinois State Police (ISP) She agreed the legislation affects all counties  
except Cook County. The ISP are looking at the language because it affects the entire state. Any  
language that is proposed would be a statewide change, not specific for DuPage. Ms. Zerwin  
stated she wanted to be clear because there have been some misconceptions that DuPage is not  
and Director Zerwin has not advocated for anything at this point. Any language that comes  
forward either at the veto session or later will be on the State level to correct or make that  
consolidation allowable throughout the state. Ms. Zerwin said she is aware that the State 9-1-1  
Administrator would like to have additional consolidation and downstate regionalization. Ms.  
Zerwin said there could be those types of occurrences here, too, but unfortunately with statues,  
once you touch one piece of it there is a domino effect. It is complex and not as simple as just  
adding a sentence to the statue.  
Ms. Zerwin continued saying that as the representative of the eight largest counties (on the State  
Advisory Board), she meets with those representatives to get the consensus of where they want  
legislation to go. Therefore, even if DuPage was not in the majority, she would vote for what the  
majority of the group recommended even though she can on the record say that DuPage does not  
(or does) support the issue. She said there are a whole lot of layers on future growth discussion.  
Member Schar questioned, with the caveat that he was making some major assumptions, that if  
the State makes the change, it could still be a policy of the Board to not accept. Ms. Zerwin  
replied to the affirmative. Member Rauter interjected that it depended on what the legislation  
says that the State could mandate consolidation. Member Schar replied, but short of a mandate  
the ETSB could still elect to not seek those connections. Ms. Zerwin replied, yes.  
Vice Chair Franz responded to Ms. Zerwin that he did not assume Ms. Zerwin did anything on  
this. But he did believe it might be a good strategic planning conversation to advise what  
lobbying positions to take on an annual basis. Vice Chair Franz continued saying that Ms.  
Zerwin does that all the time because she has a mission and she knows what the ETS Board is  
seeking but in times like this, Vice Chair Franz thought having that discussion and having the  
executive direction would be helpful for Ms. Zerwin to tie in with the strategic plan.  
Member Rauter asked Chairman Schwarze where this stands with Des Plaines. He questioned,  
has Des Plaines sent communication directly to ETSB? Vice Chair Franz responded, no, that the  
Board has been advised and looking at it for months. Member Rauter asked if it was just a paper  
exchange at the staff level. Member Maranowicz replied that he did not think there was a paper  
exchange. Member Rauter clarified, saying but there was data coming out of Des Plaines and  
paper coming out with staff time. Ms. Zerwin clarified that it was more at the PSAP level. Des  
Plaines approached both PSAPs and DU-COMM said no thank you. ACDC is still pursuing the  
inquiry. ETSB assembled a review of what a consolidation would mean to the 9-1-1 System and  
provided it to the Board. Member Rauter replied that he appreciated the clarification, but  
wanted to clarify that Des Plaines has not approached ETSB directly. Ms. Zerwin replied that  
Des Plaines did and ETSB has had conversations. Member Rauter requested getting a sense of  
the Board to send Des Plaines a letter to say that right now the law does not allow DuPage to  
consolidate with non-adjacent agencies. Chairman Schwarze replied that Des Plaines knows  
Member Maranowicz clarified that this is not what he is asking the Board to do. He is asking,  
from a policy level, will this Board, based on what the law says, vote yes or no, not just for Des  
Plaines but anyone else down the road. He was requesting policy be developed.  
Chairman Schwarze replied that it was his goal to have discussion on the consolation policy  
leaving Des Plaines out of it. He believed that an Ad Hoc Committee would not be  
representative of the Board’s opinions and that having this conversation at a meeting would  
require a longer discussion. He questioned whether there would be an interest in Ad Hoc  
Committee and have everyone attend. Otherwise, the Board could have this discussion at a  
meeting but it would take a long time. Member Tillman asked if it would be open to the whole  
Board. Chairman Schwarze clarified that a special meeting of the Board is what was being  
requested. ASA Winistorfer clarified the difference between a special call meeting vs ad hoc  
meeting. Chairman Schwarze advised he was looking for a special meeting because he wanted  
everyone to have this conversation.  
Member Rauter apologized because he thought Member Maranowicz wanted to send something  
back to Des Plaines.  
Vice Chair Franz replied, not to speak for Member Maranowicz but we owe it to Des Plaines to  
tell them if we are open to consolidation if the law were to allow it, because otherwise Des  
Plaines needs to pursue other options.  
Chairman Schwarze requested a commitment to have a special call to discuss the consolidation  
policy. He advised that ETSB staff will get that scheduled and an email out.  
There was no further discussion.  
At 9:59am, a motion was made by Member Yoo, seconded by Member Swanson, for ETSB to  
enter into Executive Session pursuant to Section 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) of the Open Meetings Act  
for discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether for purposes of  
approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes as mandated by  
Section 2.06 and pursuant to Section 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) for the purpose of considering the  
appointment, employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal of specific  
employees of the public body.  
On roll call, all "Ayes", motion carried. Pursuant to the carried vote, ETSB entered Executive  
Session. Chairman Schwarze said the Board would return afterwards to address any items  
referred therefrom.  
13.A. Minutes Review Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (21)  
ETSB is going into Executive Session Pursuant to Section 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(21) of the Open  
Meetings Act for discussion of minutes of meetings lawfully closed under this Act, whether  
for purposes of approval by the body of the minutes or semi-annual review of the minutes  
as mandated by Section 2.06  
March 10, 2021, May 12, 2021, February 9, 2022, September 14, 2022, February 8, 2023,  
and June 14, 2023  
13.B. Personnel Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C ) (1)  
ETSB is going into Executive Session Pursuant to Section 5 ILCS 120/2(c)(1) for the  
purpose of considering the appointment, employment, compensation, discipline,  
performance, or dismissal of specific employees of the public body  
13.C. Security Procedures and the Use of Personnel and Equipment Pursuant to 5 ILCS  
13.D. Pending Litigation Matters Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (C) (11)  
The regular session of the ETSB reconvened at 10:06am. On roll call, Members Schwarze, Franz,  
Guttman, Kramer, Maranowicz, Rauter, Schar, Srejma, Swanson, Tillman, and Yoo were present.  
Member Eckhoff was absent.  
Action on approval and/or release of minutes which were reviewed subject to a semiannual review  
of minutes on August 24, 2023.  
A motion was made by Member Maranowicz, seconded by Vice Chair Franz, to release the minutes of  
May 12, 2021 and February 8, 2023 as presented during Executive Session. On voice vote, all “Ayes”,  
motion carried.  
A motion was made by Member Maranowicz, seconded by Vice Chair Franz, to retain the minutes of  
March 10, 2021; February 9, 2022, September 14, 2022, and June 14, 2023 as presented during  
Executive Session. On voice vote, all “Ayes”, motion carried.  
Action relative to the specific employees who were the subject of consideration for appointment,  
employment, compensation, discipline, performance, or dismissal.  
A motion was made by Member Rauter, seconded by Member Tillman, to approve the merit  
raises as presented during Executive Session. On roll call, all "Ayes", motion carried.  
15.A. Next Meeting: Wednesday, September 13 at 9:00am in 3-500B  
Chairman Schwarze asked for a motion to adjourn. Member Yoo motioned, seconded by  
Member Maranowicz. The meeting of the ETSB was adjourned at 10:08am.  
Respectfully submitted,  
Jean Kaczmarek