Judicial and Public Safety - Evans
Recommendation for the approval of an amendment to Resolution JPS-P-0079A-22, for a
change order amending purchase order 5690-0001 SERV, issued to Clear Loss
Prevention, Inc., to increase the contract in the amount of $18,209, resulting in an
amended contract total amount not to exceed $324,148.19, an increase of 5.95%, for the
DuPage Care Center. (Office of Homeland Security and Emergency
Management/Campus Security)
Public Works - Garcia
Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Arlington Glass & Mirror Co., for
on-call window glazing, repair, replacement, window adjustment, and board up services,
as needed, for County facilities, for Facilities Management, for the two-year period of
October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2025, for a contract total amount not to exceed
$70,000, per lowest responsible bid #23-084-FM.
Amendment to County Contract #6335-SERV issued to Kemira Water Solutions, Inc., to
furnish and deliver liquid Ferric Chloride to the Knollwood Wastewater Treatment
Facility, for Public Works, for a change order to increase the contract in the amount of
$22,000, taking the original contract amount of $25,900 and resulting in an amended
contract amount not to exceed $47,900, an increase of 84.94%.
Technology - Yoo
Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order issued to Intellias, Inc., for
an upgrade to the Windows servers that the Infor/Lawson applications run on from
Windows 2012 to Windows 2019, for Information Technology, for the period of August
22, 2023 through November 30, 2023, for a contract total amount not to exceed $72,000;
per RFP #23-086-IT.
Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order issued to Infor (US), Inc.,
for the purchase of MicroFocus COBOL licensing to be compatible with upgraded
Windows Server 2019, for Information Technology, for the period of August 22, 2023
through November 30, 2023, for a contract total amount not to exceed $112,709.53; per
sole source.