Recommendation for the approval of a contract purchase order to Harris Govern, for
annual software maintenance and support services, as needed, for the period of April 1,
2024 through March 31, 2025, for Building & Zoning ($10,702), Division of
Transportation ($6,421), and Public Works ($2,140), for a contract total amount not to
exceed $19,263. Per 55 ILCS 5/5-1022 (c) not suitable for competitive bids. (Sole Source
- Support for Govern System.)
Cynthia Cronin Cahill
Patty Gustin
No old business was discussed.
Mr. McPhearson presented on the domain seizure project, as attached hereto. Member Rutledge
asked what will stop these entities from setting up more websites, to which Mr. McPhearson said
unfortunately nothing, as it is difficult to know if these sites are legitimate or not. Member
DeSart asked how they find and contact their victims. Mr. McPhearson said they usually find
their victims through social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. Member Rutledge
asked if we can do a PSA to draw attention to this sort of scam. Member Henry noted that the
County recently held a seminar, primarily for seniors, to educate and address these types of
scams. Mr. McPhearson said yes, we can since the project is completed. Member Gustin asked
if there is any kind of legislative action being taken to protect people on social media platforms.
Mr. McPhearson said he is unaware of anything, but this is a big problem globally, and we can
always look into it. Chair Yoo said we may way to consider doing a press release about this
project. Mr. McPhearson said he would reach out to PIO Joan Olson and her team about it.
Mr. McPhearson said the GIS division is always working on new applications to help our
citizens and staff. He said GIS Manager Tom Ricker and his team created two new applications
with a lot of great GIS data. Mr. Ricker shared the two applications, the first of which is general
census demographics and the second of which is for WorkNet staff, which is employment
demographic data. He presented an overview of each. Member Rutledge asked if both
applications are available to the public. Mr. Ricker said the general census application is
available but the one for WorkNet is not currently public due to lack of ESRI credits. Member
Johnson (Kaczmarek) asked what the credits are and how much they cost. Mr. Ricker explained
that credits are shared for internal and external use, adding that staff would need to analyze how
many hits we receive for each and calculate the costs.
Member Galassi praised Mr. McPhearson and IT staff for their cybersecurity training program,
nothing that she was sent a fake email and was wise enough to forward it to IT for review. Mr.