Recommendation for the approval of a contract to L. Marshall, Inc., to install safety
improvements on the roof of the 505 building, for Facilities Management, for the period
August 27, 2024 through August 26, 2025, for a contract total amount not to exceed
$196,650, per lowest responsible bid #24-073-FM.
Recommendation for the approval of an Agreement between the County of DuPage,
Illinois, and V3 Companies, Ltd., to provide additional Professional Stormwater
Engineering Services and engineering design for flood-proofing the East and West sides
of the County Campus, for Facilities Management, for the period of August 27, 2024
through November 30, 2026, for a total contract amount not to exceed $394,160.
Professional Services (Architects, Engineers and Land Surveyors) vetted through a
qualification-based selection process in compliance with the Illinois Local Government
Professional Services Selection Act, 50 ILCS 510/ et seq. (Partial ARPA)
Amendment to County Contract #5312-0001 SERV issued to ComEd, for delivery of
electricity to all Public Works Facilities, for Public Works, for a change order to increase
the contract in the amount of $10,000, taking the original contract amount of $1,468,000
and resulting in an amended contract amount not to exceed $1,478,000, an increase of
Amendment to County Contract #5482-0001 SERV issued to LAI Ltd., to procure
DeZurik Valves that have reached end of life at the Woodridge Greene Valley
Wastewater Treatment Plant, for Public Works, for a change order to increase the
contract in the amount of $20,000, taking the original contract amount of $82,000 and
resulting in an amended contract amount not to exceed $102,000, an increase of 24.39%.
Recommendation for the approval of a contract to Dorner Company, to furnish and
deliver a 10" Cla-Val Model 90-01, for Public Works, for the period of August 27, 2024
to November 30, 2024, for a total contract amount not to exceed $25,000, per 55 ILCS
5/5-1022(c) not suitable for competitive bids. (Sole Source – Direct replacement of parts
and service for Public Works Water Lines.)