There were four projects the County did not agree to take on. Two were in the City of
Naperville. With the City of Naperville being its own CDBG entitlement community, it was felt
that Naperville would have the capacity to take on any Naperville-affiliated projects.
One project was for a nonprofit, which the County felt the learning curve for that organization
would be so great, it would be better for HUD to take it on. Then there was one, from an
environmental perspective, the County had some concerns with the complexity of it and felt the
County could not take it on. That project was sponsored by a municipality and it was felt that
they should take the responsibility of learning the process and doing the work themselves. The
County Board will be approving the Memorandums of Understanding.
For the Municipal Committee members that may be applying for the Community Project Funds,
the County requested that the County be made aware of the projects. The County is willing to
provide input into whether there might be some environmental issues and potentially provide
guidance during the development of the project that might make the process a little smoother.
The County was unaware of the seven projects until after they had been approved.
Keating asked if there were any questions. Gustin said, as a former municipal person, would the
County provide the HOME Advisory Group members the list of the current known projects.
Keating said an email will be sent and Hamlin said she would provide the link to the
Congressional website. Keating reiterated that the County is providing the Environmental
Reviews for the Village of Addison, the City of Wheaton, in relationship to their public library,
and the Wood Dale Park District. A list of all seven will be provided.
LaPlante emphasized that this would be a fantastic opportunity for some guidance that would
make the application process smoother from start to end. It would create a higher probability of
success all around. If the municipal members would have questions, please take advantage of the
technical guidance offered.
There were no other questions or comments.
(Member Yoo left just prior to adjournment to attend the Technology Committee.)
The Motion was made to adjourn the meeting.
On a Voice Vote, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25 am.